Chemical Dose Controller Meeting Minutes
Summer 2009 Minutes
June 10, 2009
- Documented our goalsLearned experimental setup
- Familiarized ourselves with the wiki
- Took and discussed the quiz
- Realized we know very little of the team's past research
- Since we are all relatively new to AguaClara we have set-up a teach-in session with Nicole
- We hope to have Nicole join our weekly meetings to guide our team's efforts
- process control software
- Decided what our first experiment would be: the effect of changing natural organic matter concentration on the formation of surface film
- Wrote segment of process control code
- Discussed what equations needed to be used in order to determine experiment parameters
- Team gained 3rd member Biniyam, decided Francine would be team leader
- Each team member should take online lab safety tutorial before Monday 1pm
- During meeting on Monday will discuss summer task list and research plan. Will be emailed to Alex for input
- Bring working pensWe are not very familiar with the past research (CD, LFOM and FC) to have a good idea of where we are headed this semester.