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h1. CFD Simulation

h2. Overview

{float:right|border=2px solid black}
[!hb4.png|width=400px!|performance parameters analysis in 2D - simulation experiments]
Contours of turbulence energy dissipation rate ε (m²/s³)
(5 baffles, optimal flocculator height/width=4)
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve the governing equations of fluid flow problems and obtain a detailed numerical description of the complete flow field of interest.

AguaClara small-scale water treatment plants are composed of gravity powered unit processes. The relative inflexibility of energy input into the water in gravity powered systems requires better studied design, as opposed to conventional electric-powered, mechanically driven treatment plants.  However, few guidelines are available for designing gravity powered systems. The objective of CFD simulation team is to build a stable and reliable CFD model (using commercial CFD package FLUENT ) to simulate and analyze the flow in different parts of AguaClara treatment plants, and thus to provide guidelines for the geometrydesign and operation towards better performance and lower costs.

So far, the results of CFD simulation have already enhanced our understanding of the hydraulic flocculation tank and has led to some conclusions that can be incorporated in our design.

CFD Simulation [goals|CFD  FT3DS Goals] and [meeting minutes|CFD ST3DS Meeting Minutes].

h3. Research

[Flocculation Tank Simulation|CFD Flocculation Tank 3D Simulation]: performance parameter analysis and 3D preliminary simulation

h3. Implications for Design

[flocculator height/width ratio|performance parameters analysis in 2D - simulation experiments]: a clear trend of energy dissipation efficiency of different geometry was observed, with an optimal flocculator height/width ratio of 4.

[flocculator clearance height|CFD Spring 2008 Report]: There is no need to make the clearance height larger than baffle spacing, which allows higher flow rates with the same channel width.

h3. Additional Information

[FLUENT tips| FLUENT tips]
[Presentations|CFD team presentations]