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Tube Settlers are used to mimic sedimentation before the turbidity of water in the flocculator is measured. They can be moved to different locations along the flocculator in order to examine effluent turbidity at various stages of flocculation.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data is collected using process controller. It is stored in process controller and then analyzedUse process controller to collect and store data and excel to analyze it.


Make a folder in AguaClara data with the date

Example - 6.18.07. This way all information for tests run that day can be saved in a separate file, making data analysis quicker and easier.

Save datalog and statelog in correct folder

Go to the configuration tab, At the bottom under and to the left of Data directory path there is a button with the picture of a folder. Click on the button and choose the folder for the directory (this will save the statelog and the datalog to the chosen folder, if a statelog and datalog already exists for that day it will start a new one in this folder)

Save a copy of the setup

Look in the folder of for the last date that data was collected. The most up to date version of the pilot plant setup documentation should be in there. In this excel sheet The setup documentation (excel file) is where variables are listed; if you change any of them note it here. This is also where the location of the tube settlers should be moved/changednoted. Make sure before you change anything you save it in the correct current date's folder and call it SetUp "date".

Save a copy of process controller method

Save in the folder with the date and call it PC setup. This will allow future users to see what the logic and variables were set to the day of the experiment. If for some reason a variable is changed and not noted this will allow the user to check to see what was used. Also, if for some reason Process Controller isn't working properly and states or set points disappear then this file can be used to re-install them and is the most up to date.
