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Goals for Spring 2009

Subteam Leader


  • Sarah Long, Colette Kopon

Other team members

  • Kellie Kress



  • Create protocol for running experiments (i.e. determine control of parameters such as tube length, Vc, upflow velocity, etc.)
    • Colette and Sarah will create this form by February 5, 2009
  • Setup apparatus to begin completing experiments and calibrate floc blanket control weir
    • All group members are responsible for completing this by February 11, 2009
  • Complete experiments that vary tube diameter
    • All group members are responsible for completing this by February 27, 2009
  • Complete experiments that vary flow rates
    • All group members are responsible for completing this by March 20, 2009
  • Design and complete experiment to vary tube length
    • All group members are responsible for completing this by April 17, 2009
  • (Place Challenge here)
    • (Who is working on this, approximately when will they work on it?)
  • (Place Challenge here)
    • (Who is working on this, approximately when will they work on it?)
  • (Place Challenge here)
    • (Who is working on this, approximately when will they work on it?)


List references for your project that your team has found in literature searches.



  • Generate a form that will determine sedimentation performance and design based on various system parameters.
    • All group members are responsible for competing this by the end of the


    • term