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Wiki Markup
h3. General Program


Input Definitions

Inputs Needed to Call the Channel Function
Inputs Defined within the Channel Function



h3. Input Definitions

h5. Inputs Needed to Call the Channel Function

h5. Inputs Defined within the Channel Function
{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!lamina label.bmp|width=200px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]
Top View
{float:left|border=2px solid black}
[!individual lamina.bmp|width=550px!|AutoCAD Channel Program]
Front View
origin - is a 3*1 matrix with x,y,z positions corresponding to the point where the first lamella will be drawn.


amp - specifies the amplitude of the lamina


w -  specifies the width of an individual lamina


l - specifies the length of an individual lamina


t - specifies the thickness of an individual lamina


periods - specifies the period of one curve of the lamina.


angle - specifies the angle of the lamina relative to the floor of the tank.


numbaffles - specifies the number baffles in the tank

numbafflescol -

xspace -

yspace -

Technical Program Outline

lamina0 - The zoomwinA function creates a close-up view based on two points to specify the window size.


  • x: origin0 - w - zc
  • y: origin1
  • z: origin2


  • x: origin0 + w + zc
  • y: origin1 + 1 + zc
  • z: origin2

for loop - a for loop is created for the range from i = 0 to i = (periods*4).

laminalast - Every time the program runs through the for loop another sine wave is drawn.



num{~}baffles~ \- specifies the number baffles in the tank

num{~}bafflescol~ \-

xspace -

yspace -

h3. Technical Program Outline

*lamina{*}{*}{~}0{~}* \- The [zoom{~}winA~|AutoCAD Basics Zoom] function creates a close-up view based on two points to specify the window size.

* x: origin{~}0~ \- w - zc
* y: origin{~}1~
* z: origin{~}2~

* x: origin{~}0~ + w + zc
* y: origin{~}1~ + 1 + zc
* z: origin{~}2~

*for loop* \- a for loop is created for the range from i = 0 to i = (periods*4).

*lamina{*}{*}{~}last{~}* \- Every time the program runs through the for loop another sine wave is drawn.

* x: origin{~}0~ + sin(Ï€i/2)*amp


* y: origin


{~}1~ + i*(x/(periods*4)


* z:



*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+1{~}* \- Uses the 'point' function to turn the 3*1 matrix lamina


{~}last~ into a text format that AutoCad can read.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+2{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function create a character string out of a  space and the point (origin - zc




*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+3{~}* \- Uses the 'point' function to turn the 3*1 matrix (lamina


{~}last~ + zc


{~}point~) into a text format that AutoCad can read.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+4{~}* \- Enters the command "offset" into AutoCad. The offset function is used to move the selected object a specified distance from its original location.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+5{~}* \- The command 'stringit' turns the the variable "t" into a dimensionless number and cuts the number off after 5 decimal points. t represents the distance that the selected object is to be offset.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+6{~}* \- Uses the 'point' function to turn the 3*1 matrix 'origin' into a text format that AutoCad can read.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+7{~}* \- Uses the 'point' function to turn the following 3*1 matrix into a text format that AutoCad can read.


* x: origin


{~}0~ + t


* y:


* z:



*line{*}{*}{~}0{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function to create a character string out of the point 'origin' a space and the point converted in line lamina{~}i+




*line{*}{*}{~}1{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function to creat a character string out of the point 'lamina


{~}last~' a space and the point described below into Autocad.


* x: lamina


{~}last0~ + t


* y:


* z:



*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+8{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function to create a character string out of a space, the AutoCad command "line," a space, the character string created in line


{~}0~, and a space. The purpose of the character string is to create a line in AutoCad between the two points specified in line



*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+9{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function to create a character string out of a the AutoCad command "line," a space, the character string created in line


{~}1~ and a space. The purpose of the character string is to create a line in AutoCad between the two points specified in line



*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+10{~}* \- Uses the 'concat' function to create a character string out of the AutoCad command "z e region w," a space, a point described below, a space, the second point described below and a space. The purpose of the character string is to create a region based on the two points specified.


first point:


* x:


second point:

  • x: laminalast0 + t + amp
  • y: laminalast1
  • z: laminalast2

z: zoom
e: extents
region: creates a region based on two specified points.
w: specifies corners for the window in which the region is to be created.

laminai+11 - Uses the concat function to create a character string out of the AutoCad command extrude, a space, the point 'origin,' a space, a space, the variable 'l,' a space and the "0."


 origin{~}0~ \- amp
* y: origin{~}1~
* z: origin{~}2~

second point:
* x: lamina{~}last0~ + t + amp
* y: lamina{~}last1~
* z: lamina{~}last2~

z: zoom
e: extents
region: creates a region based on two specified points.
w: specifies corners for the window in which the region is to be created.

*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+11{~}* \- Uses the concat function to create a character string out of the AutoCad command [extrude|AutoCAD Basics Extrude], a space, the point 'origin,' a space, a space, the variable 'l,' a space and the "0."

*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+12{~}* \- Uses the concat function to create a character string out of the AutoCad command [rotate3d|AutoCAD Basics Rotate], a space, the point 'origin,' a space, a space, the command "y," a space and a num2str (-(90-angle/deg)) if the angle is not 90 degrees.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+13{~}* \- Uses the concat functino to create a character string out of the AutoCad command [array|AutoCAD Basics Array], a space, the point 'origin,' a space, a space, the command "R," a space, num2str(num


{~}bafflecols~, a space,num2str


{~}baffles~ and a space.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+14{~}* \- Together lamina{~}i+


14~ and lamina{~}i+


15~ for an if statement. Lamina{~}i+


14~ uses the concat function to create a character string that enters the dimensionless number "yspace" if num


{~}bafflecols~ is less that 1.


*lamina{*}{*}{~}i+15{~}* \- Enters "" into the command line if the condition in lamina{~}i+


14~ is not forfilled.


laminai+16 -
