
Chapter of Recognition

  • top 10% students
  • top 10% srs jrs
  • faculty staff and professorses
  • records to headquarters
  • Love of Learning awards
  • nominee for scholarship, award

"Why should I join PhiKappaPhi"

  • oldest largest
  • only honor society that is available for all discipline
  • history

Benefits of Membership ( see website )

    • non-profit
    • more scholarships and awards than any other
    • discounts from
      • Apple
      • Dell
      • Barnes&Noble
      • Marsh INs
      • Liberty Mutual
      • Enterprise rental
      • Bank of America
      • LifeLock
      • Becker Professional Education
      • T-Mobil
      • AT&T
      • Avis
      • Budget
      • PrincetonReview

Scholarships and Awards

Fellowships (April 15th 2011)

  • let the juniors know in spring
  • remind the students in the fall

Study Abroad ( April 1st 2011 )

  • you do not have to be a Phi Kappa Phi then 3.8 - 4.0 people
  • active chapter of PKP then the student can apply on-line ( April 1st )

Love of Learning ( June 30th )

  • "what is in it for me"
  • 500.00 to continue learning
  • no cap on how many can win, but must be PKP member

Literacy ( April 1st )

  • any thing you have passion about and want to share knowledge
  • student VPs like this because they can get money to ( computer literacy )

PKP Scholar and Artist ( 2012 is next one )

  • 1000.00 present and or talk

To Do for Cornell Chapter

  • use the website www.phikappaphi.org as officer to run your chapter
  • what do we tell our prospective members
  • we should canvas our current PKP members and why did you join , or not
  • how to setup scholarship
  • what can we do to help with students applying for scholarships etc.
    • we could work with the Univ and or sponsor it.

Year in the Life of a Phi Kappa Phi Officer

  • Summer ( planning )
    • initiation - when ? Spring, Fall(SU)
    • convention delegate , send an officer
      • half training / half governance
    • letters to abroad students, and emails
    • OEP -
    • R. R. Donnely affiliated
  • Spring
    • chapter deadline for scholarships

Things to think about

  • use the captive time of inducting time as the information sharing
  • IC has awards by past president ( PKP members, seniors )
  • IC 2 or 3 non-students and students in the fall
  • IC separated students (spring) and non-students (fall)
  • Alfred has book award

Cornell needs to do - After discussion @ lunch

  • How to have Phi Kappa Phi have a .edu site presence
  • Who on CU faculty are PKP members
  • Do we need to have students run group as an org to have an EDU site ?
  • Spring blitz ( contact Molly )
  • what friends do we have on campus ( Profs, Deans and others )

Students Involvment

  • all groups must have 2 students as VPs
  • student leadership regional and national board

What do Student VPs do

  • prep for inductees
  • involved in ceremony
  • not include in discussion with honorees most of the time
  • VP webmaster, Facebook chair, scholarship, historian ....
  • can be on a non-Profit board, with faculty and staff
  • give them a budget and also allow them to rise up to a new level..


  • student involvement

Princeton Review

  • they will come in and give training for GRE MCAT LSAT etc etc...
  • and will NOT be pushy
  • cheap event way to bring corporate partners and academics
  • free computer lab testing for prep for grad school applications
  • No labels