Building Blocks - Order of things that need to be setup

  1. Action Profiles
    • what happens when tests go Warn, Crit and OK
    • NV action eng can send email, text
    • get take away (Admin, Action(create action profile)
  2. Service Devices
    • Devices:
      • usually physical servers or cluster RG and normally setup by S&O
    • Service Devices:
      • usually refer to a Service offering, is associated with FQDN, and would still be valid beyon a hardware change or failover.
  3. Tests
    • monitor web server, URL, cluster resources, net usage etc....
    • Provisioning Tests: must do after tests are created
  4. NocDocs oncall lists

Creating Tests a-quick-reference

  • 132.236.248/29 to allow all NetVigil servers
  • Built-in Tests
    • SQL Query Perf test
      • DB runnin
      • time to run query
      • query into database to with queries
    • Port tests
      • HTTP HTTPs
    • Adv. Port Test
      • string to pass to port and expected string back
    • SNMP test OID
      • would have to be an application that has an SNMP trap
    • CU_Procmon : process monitoring
      • Process count
      • cpu usage
      • process mem usage
      • max cpu
      • STEPS:
        • Setup Process Collection service
        • Setup the Process Collection test
      • every minute there is a ps -ef done on the server
    • CU_Appmon: Application Monitoring
      • counts, responsetimes, daily count, ms respone time, percent, sec response time, status
      • Steps
        • ppopulate a file on the client server
          • /var/netvigil/device/filename
          • 4 fields per line
          • results should be guage not a counter

Clustered Cron

  • send req to S&O support requestiong cluster cron for a given holding ID

Practical Guide to Setting up your first NetVigil container

  • Order
  1. Create a device
    • naming convention pattern
      servicename Dev / Test / Prod Service
      ex. Cynergy Prod Service
  2. Create Tests under device
    • ping
    • HTTPS
  3. Create ActionProfile
  4. Create NocDocs
  • No labels