Mary Opperman

Questions / Thoughts

  • MO - Alan Bishop should be our contact for the EA about layoff packages, and offerings
  • Do we have any more info on amt. of ?
    • we are down about 700 ( 200 of which were because of an unrelated grant loss )
    • the minority of the (700-200) 500 were involuntary layoffs most were voluntary SRI
  • MO we need to find ways to keep us working positively, and minimizing
  • Is attrition going to "go fast enough" ?
  • when a dept proposes a re-org
    1. propose layoff
    2. reviewed by HR , person by person by person
    3. HR directory goes thru plan how the message will be communicated
  • we have filled ~ 200 job since this started compared to 1200 jobs normally

spans and layers:

  • increase the efficiency by flatten an org.


  • we need to keep working
  • the president is unwavering, "we will not put one more person out that we need to"
  • Psych counseling :
    • EAP - faculty and staff available
  • No labels