Master of Engineering Project

Solar thermal systems are used convert solar energy into thermal energy.  Systems use collectors to heat water for immediate or stored use.  Solar thermal systems have not seen the growth of solar electric system due to their perceived complexity, lack of general energy options and cost.  This project will examine whether these are real issues or incorrect perceptions.  The goal will be to create a report that details solar thermal system construction, outputs and cost benefits.


  1. Research solar thermal system models.  Create a theoretical model of am example system
  2. Research existing solar thermal systems.  Compare commercial thermal models to example system
  3. Reconstruct an existing solar thermal testing system.  Collect data and compare to the previous models.
  4. Design and build a small solar thermal system for long term testing.
  5. Collate information gained into a final report that can be used as a guide for potential consumers.

Contact: Matt Ulinski (

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