The use of theoretical models is integral to the study of morphogenesis. Coupling these models with experimental manipulations has deepened our mechanistic understanding of morphogenesis, providing information unattainable by experimentation alone. Our lab has performed a number of experiments to manipulate flow in the outflow of developing embryos. In particular we've occluded flow in the aortic arch arteries, thereby changing flow pathways from the heart to the rest of circulation. These experiments greatly affect embryo vitality. In order to fully investigate the changes on a mechanical level, we created computational fluid dynamic models of these embryos at time points representing the onset of surgical manipulation and key stages leading up to embryo lethality. While the fluid profiles are insightful, a more powerful analysis will study the transition between these stages and the propagation of this insult over time. Overall, the goal of this project is to understand how flow guides morphogensis of the major flow conduits of flow from the heart. We will thus develop a finite element model to work in sequence with the computational fluid dynamic models according to theories of embryonic growth. The FEA and fluid dynamic model should be set to update each other at various time points, working in a feedback loop that constantly calculates flow parameters updates the geometry, recalculates flow parameters and leads to vessel growth over the course of three embryonic stages. From this project one will learn how to merge experimental data and theoretical models into a sustainable growth model. A background in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and soft tissue mechanics is helpful to this project.

For more information contact Prof. Butcher,

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