M.Eng. and Undergrad Project Announcement


Project title: Create an Innovative Modular Robotics Platform, an R2-D2, a C-3PO and a Small Scale Functional Disney Theme Park Ride in the Cornell Cup USA, presented by Intel


Brief description of project:


The Intel-Cornell Cup competition creation team last year proved once again that they could create some of the most exciting robotics designs in the world. And they did it at the same time while empowering college teams from other top schools such as Berkley, MIT, UPenn, Purdue, Columbia and many more to create their own embedded systems. With more college teams taking  part and more companies looking to join as sponsors this year the team aims to expand and refine the existing ModBot (Modular Robotics Platform) and R2-D2 & C-3P0. And this year we are designing & building a brand new Small Scale Function Disney Theme Park ride with special reviews from former Disney Imagineers. Here are just some of the areas being targeted for development:

  • Walking Humanoid “C-3P0-esque” Droid
  • “R2-D2-esque” Droid Lab Assistant
  • Oculus Rift Augmented Reality Control
  • Omni-Directional and Dune Buggy-like Robotic Rovers Enhancements
  • Outdoor Localization and Indoor SLAM
  • Vision Systems (Onboard and External)
  • PC and Embedded System Communications
  • On-line GUI Applications
  • Microcontroller / Arduino with MATLAB interface code
  • Incorporating a new Intel Atom microprocessor board with a built-in Altera FPGA
  • Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Control Schemes
  • Model Predictive Control
  • Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning
  • Connection to mobile devices
  • Adaptive GUI design
  • Simulation & Performance Prediction
  • VideoGame-like A.I.
  • Power Systems
  • Multi-Variable Control Systems and Kalman Filter Applications


Many companies are now specifically targeting students who have had experience in college robotics projects as these students have been recognized as having the skills necessary to apply their knowledge and gain new knowledge more quickly in multi-disciplinary teams. This is your opportunity to become one of the members of a robotics effort that is quickly gaining national and even international attention from industry, government, academic, and media groups while earning you invaluable experience in particularly Electrical, Mechanical, & Systems Engineering and Computer Science. More so, this project will also enable you to make a significant difference in engineering education systems where you will inspire future students to make a difference through engineering as we once again showcase our work at Walt Disney World in May. Sponsored by Intel, NASA, Tektronix, Mathworks, and Analog Digital Devices.

M-Eng Project Credit and/or  Course Credit Positions Available


All of the info sessions will be held in Upson B17 at 6:00 PM at the dates below:

Thursday, January 22nd,

Monday, January 26th,

Tuesday, January 27th

Contact: head faculty advisor, Dr. David R. Schneider at drs44@cornell.edu or at (607)-254-5403.



Faculty sponsor: David R. Schneider (drs44)

Cornell address: drs44@cornell.edu, 612 Rhodes

Project Web Site: www.systemseng.cornell.edu/intel

Time Frame:  2014-2015



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