Subject Area


Detail Description

Approval Approval Server Administration  Process administrators use the form to perform the following tasks of managing and configuring the approval server:
  • Create or configure other process administrators and alternates
  • Access AR System server settings specific to the approval server
  • Rename related processes and forms
  • Manage approval server processes, rules, notifications, roles, and forms
Approval Approval Notification Process administrators use this form to create and modify notifications sent by approval processes.
Approval Detail All data about an approval request are stored in the AP:Detail form. You can use this form to determine the status of a request, and to see a history of activity on the request for any approval process.
Approval Signature All data about signatures associated with an approval request is stored in the AP:Signature form. Administrators can use this form to review the responses to a request.
Approval Detail Signature The AP:Detail-Signature join form joins data from the AP:Detail and AP:Signature forms. You link this form to your application's approval request form to create a three-way join form when you add approvals to your application.
Approval Change Approval Mapping Diagnosis If approval mapping exists but approver is not being generated, check this form and see if the approval mapping is shown in results
Approval Join form between Change and Approval The AP:More Information form stores and displays More Information requests and responses that pertain to the related approval request form.
Approval More Information The AP:More Information form stores and displays More Information requests and responses that pertain to the related approval request form.
Approval Documentation about Approval server Supporting Forms
Change Template Business Service Association Form use to fix issue with Business service changing after saving template. /a> Steps to follow:
1- Change Business service on Change template
2- Access form
3- Search for submit date > $DATE$
4- Copy Entry 2 Request ID
5- Search for Entry 2 request ID
6- Delete old entry
Email/RBE Incoming/Outgoing Email Messages List all Incoming and outgoing messages.
Email/RBE Email Error Messages List of messages which error out except for messages with "Action:" in it, there will show up in this form but they have been processed because of a Cornell customization.
Email/RBE Email Error Logs Email error logs. Disregard logs with the following message text "The specified instruction cannot be found in the AR System Email User Instruction Templates form. failed". They are the logs for the "Action:" issue that Cornell fixed with a customization.
Email/RBE CORNELL:Email Filter Form use to reject email based on the 'From' email address.  Even though the form also allows to reject email on the Subject line, it should be used for this.  We should use theRBE: Configuration option for the "Excluded Subject" category.
Email/RBE RBE Configuration Allows to report on all Configuration
Email/RBE RBE:Message Allows to see details messages processed by RBE
Email/RBE RBE:Rules Can't do anything in this form, however, using the Create AR Server report form, it is possible to report on it.
Email/RBE RBE:Transaction Search for error message for RBE processed email
General Mid Tier Object List List of most popular forms
General Manage defined and customer searches on for various console. Manage defined and custom searches for various console. For example, using this form, administrators can add a filter to a user "My Searches" menu in the Incident Console.
General List of Advanced Search Form Misc Advanced Search form
General Menu Items Form to add items in menu. Use with care!
General Status Reason Menu Items Form to add status reason menu items. Use with care!
General To add field to misc drop down list the field list to create custom filter on Incident Console form Use with care
Incident - Assignement Incident Assignment Log Search/Show details assignment log with assignment duration.

Key thing: If a group hasn’t moved the incident beyond “assigned”, that assignment won’t show in the assignment log. The assignment log is tracking status changes by group for the past statuses; current status is in the current incident, so it’s not in the log.
Incident - Assignment Search Assignment Logs Search Assignment log and provide more information about the Incident than the assignment log
Incident One Page view of the Incident Simple one page view of the incident form.
Incident Retrieve Business Service Reconciliation ID The Business service reconciliation ID is required to create an incident using the web service.  With the form, you can search for a business service and find the reconciliation ID.
Incident Form use to create incident by backend process For information only.  This is the stating form where the incident is created from.
Incident - Worklog Search Incident Worklog Search Worklog with incident data
Incident - Worklog Incident Worklog Form use to delete Worklog or attachment
Incident - Outgoing email Log Notifier Log Provide a log of all support staff notifications sent for an incident as well as all outgoing email sent from the incident.
Knowledge ManagementKnowledge ManagerDirect link to view to retired articles in bulk mode:
1- Search for 'Article Status English' = "Published"
2- Select 'All' and Modify 'All"
3- Type "Retired" in 'Article Status English' field
4- Type 'Yes' in 'z1D_PassedOnDisplay' field
5- Click 'Save'
Mobility Push Notification Log  
Mobility Monitoring Mobility Activity  
Mobility Deregister device More about it here:
Notification OOB Notification Messages Use to enable/disable OOB notifications and to change body text
People Load Exception ITSG Exception
People Load Merger People Load Merger People Load Process
People Load People Load People Load Process
People Load Organization People Load Organization People Load Process
People Load Site People Load Site People Load Site
People Load Organization TEMPLATE People Load Organization TEMPLATE Template use to create organization during the People Load Process
People Load Site TEMPLATE People Load Site Template Template use to create site during the People Load Process
People Load TEMPLATE People Load Template Template use to load people in Remedy
People Permission Load TEMPLATE People Permission Load Template Permission Template use to load people in Remedy
People Load Organization ERRORS People Load Organization Errors People Load Organization Errors
People Load Site ERRORS People Load Site Errors People Load Site Errors
People Load ERRORS People Load Errors People load error form
People Search by Permission Group Search People Records by Permission Group
People Search by Support Group Search People Records by Support Group
People Search by Functional Role Search People Record by Functional Role
People People - Support Group Association You can use the form to search for people with double-space in their name after the assignee is selected.
People - Notification Search User Configured Notification Using this form, you can retrieve notification event created by a support staff.  These notifications supersede defined notification.
Pre-defined Reply CORNELL Email Template- Old form This is the old form that was created to manage pre-defined reply aka Cornell email template.
Pre-defined Reply CORNELL:Email Template Console This is the new form that was created to manage pre-defined reply aka Cornell email template.
ProdCat Search Product Model-Version Form allows to review Product Name and Model/Version together.
ProdCat Alias Search Product Alias Form allows to delete multiple entry of an alias.
Report Manage Reports Detail Configuration Provide access to report congfiguration option not available to the usual user
Report Create AR Server Report Form to create AR Server Report (Old report format).  Good to create a report on any Remedy form.
Report Run AR Server Report Run all reports
SRM Detail Request To investigate issue with submitted request
SRM Build a direct URL to an SRD  SRD are usually accessed from SRM but it is also possible to create a direct URL to an SRD so one can access the SRM from any web site.
Status Transition To manage possible status transition Provide some level of control on invalid status transition.
Work Order Status TransitionTo manage Work Order status Transition
Other Forms Search other forms Third Party web page to search for a particular form