Please see my notes below the diagram


I've taken some liberties with terminology in categorizing these roles as strictly Quality Assurance or Quality Control. It was for clarity in terms of the roles discussion.

Back in July of 2008 Andy Szeto and I began discussing some possible roles for a testing team. There is some relevant information on the
Team Roles - Who can help me with testing? page as well.

Another page that was part of this discussion is the Quality Statement page.

I have been filling most of the roles for the KFS project as depicted by the green arrows.

Andy, Shelli, Susan W. and Ron have been filling the KFS project roles as depicted by the blue arrows. Ron and Shelli for the Master Testing Templates for assigned modules, as well as any test automation and regression testing. And Susan for campus testing JIRAs and manual testing. And Andy Szeto for the load testing.

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