Would like to get these wrapped up and to Jeff Truelsen by 2/24

Bomgar processes documentation progress and schedule







Main Procedure





Attached updated version from Dan below.












Chuck Boeheim's Provisioning Confluence Page






FAQS draft page






Conversation to have with the user to walk them through getting Bomgar running. See "Bomgar sample dialog.docx" below.

Meeting Notes


If you keep the filename the same when uploading, Confluence will keep track of the file versioning for you.

  File Modified
PDF File wpBomgarForServiceDeskSupport.pdf Bomgar PDF on Using Bomgar for Support at the Service Desk Feb 16, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
PDF File ujumptechnology.pdf Bombgar PDF on Jump technology. Feb 15, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
Microsoft Word Document Service Desk Level 1 Support.docx Dan's latest version of the Level 1 info document, with service levels and expanded Q&A scenarios. Feb 29, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
Microsoft Word Document Remote Assistance Communication.docx Dan's first crack at communications surrounding Bomgar Feb 20, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
Microsoft Word Document JumpClientV2.docx Current draft version of the Jump Client for TSP Mar 13, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
File Information_Technology_Process_Swimlane_Bomgar.vsd Changed images, corrected Bombar to Bomgar Mar 01, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
PDF File Help Desk - Framework for Taking on New Services.pdf Dan's first draft of level 1 end user tasks, escalation paths and service levels. Feb 24, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
Microsoft Word Document BomgarServiceDeskProcedure.docx Changed user to end user and technician to TSP to match the C@C documentation. Added links, changed images. Mar 01, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
Microsoft Word Document Bomgar sample dialog.docx Dan's inital draft of technician Bomgar conversation with end user Feb 22, 2012 by Tony Lombardo
JPEG File bombar.jpg Mar 01, 2012 by Tony Lombardo

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  1. Dan - feel free to add any comments you want as we iterate through these documents! Also, you can "watch this page to get any updates via email if you want.

  2. I just attached the latest versions of the main process Visio swim lane diagram. I added a tab for the jump client, pleases note the tabs at the bottom of the Visio diagram! The process steps in the diagram are the basic ones, but I think they are logically accurate and make sense. I broke the process out into 4 areas, start, initiating the remote session, incident resolution and the jump client. Each should be self contained so that any changes that might be needed affect only that section without affecting the others.

    My next steps will be to flesh out the Bomgar Service Desk procedure document.

    Dan, I know you have a lot going on but when you get a chance take a look at the swim lane document and give me your feedback.


  3. Dan, I took your change suggestions to the swim lane Visio diagram and incorporated them. I've up loaded it to the site. Whew! I believe it came out clearer, take a look - I was afraid my thinking was getting a little circular! There are now 5 tabs, Start, Session, Resolution, Transfer and Jump Client - but I think it makes sense!

    Thanks Dan!

  4. Tony - Swimlane is looking better all the time.  A couple of clarifications... First, between 304 and 305 I think we need one more decision diamond for "will the user grant admin rights?".  On the C - Transfer one, I think 400 should be "Click Transfer", leading straight to 401.  Otherwise it doesn't seem like you'd ever get to that branch at all.  Then 403 goes away entirely.  I've been experiementing with transferring and at the present time anyway, there is no user assent required to transfer the session to someone else.  I thought there was at one point.  I'll verify with Chuck.  Lastly, 406... normally you wouldn't hold the session.  You work it until it's done.  If you or the user need to go off and do something else (and in the case of the user, if there's no jump client) you would put it on hold.

    Other than that, looks fantastic!


    1. Hi Dan. OK, so I made the changes to the swim lane diagram you mention above. However, I left the initial 400 decision block. Mainly because in case someone got to that section by accident, they'd be directed back to the resolution section. I did the renumbering too, so let me know if it still makes sense!

      Thanks Dan!

  5. During our check in the morning Dan mentioned that the security office would like to see a process around the transfer to another technician. This is covered in the swim lane diagram and we discussed putting additional detail in the main procedure document.

  6. I'm realizing that we need a standard set of information for unit IT leadership in order that they understand the decisions they need to make, particularly regarding the Jump client.  I'll draft something along those lines and send it along to you.

    1. Sounds good - I'm making progress on the main procedure draft as well.

  7. Sigh. I updated a bunch of the content on the main procedure, BomgarServiceDeskProcedure.dox - it's making my eyes blurry! I'm trying to cross reference what is in the "Bomgar sample dialog.docx" the "Remote Assistance Communication.docx" the "Information_Technology_Process_Swimlane_Bomgar.vsd" and information fro mthe Bomgar documentation into one coherent procedure document. I've made progress, but it's still not quite where I'd like it to be.

    1. PS - I added more stuff to the FAQs as I came across it too.

  8. Please correct "Bombar" to "Bomgar" in several instances in the Bomgar Service Desk procedure document.

    Joanne Button,
    Bomgar Infrastructure, 255-6622

    1. Joanne, did you mean the "BomgarServiceDeskProcedure.docx" document? I searched the entire document and didn't get any hits on Bombar. At least in the most current version.

      1. Hi Tony,

        Yes, the instances of "Bombar" are in the BomgarServiceDeskProdedure.docx" file. It looks as if you would not find them in the text because they are text inside your images on pages 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9.

        Joanne Button

        1. OK, got it. I changed the swim lane diagram as well as the images in the "BomgarServiceDeskProdedure.docx" file. Thanks!

  9. If the ujumptechnology.pdf file is used, it should be with a note that the Jump Point technology is turned off in our instance. Only jump clients, the second half of the document are available.

    Joanne Button