----Original Message----
From: Tony
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:29 PM
To: Anthony J. Lombardo
Subject: 02/08/2012 Bomgar Process Development

02/08/2012 Bomgar Process Development

Jim, Dan, Tony
NOTED that a "soft" rollout is anticipated for end of March.

Dan sent me an email to click to allow install of Bomgar. I clicked and installed to allow Dan to have full control of my desktop.

Jim is capturing process steps. This again reminds me of ways that we have captured use cases in the past, including Agile methods.

Reviewed client end steps.

Dan was not able to "Elevate Customer Client Privileges" it was grayed out.

  • Ask user for admin rights if they have them
    • User accepts in dialog box
  • User an account that is know to have admin rights on the machine
    • Login pops up
  • Ask the sponsor (team lead) to grant admin rights to the machine
    • Not sure about the details, assuming the sponsor gets an email and approves

Reviewed the tabs at the top of the Bomgar tool. Screen shots will be helpful at some point.

Got a spare laptop to use for a demo, discussed the transfer to another support agent. Tried Sys Info session.

Wondered if there was already some Bomgar documentation out there that at least describes the layout and what the buttons mean, etc. A crib sheet or something. A web page something similar to what was done for active directory.

http://www.bomgar.com/docs/content/index.htm http://www.bomgar.com/docs/content/webhelp/documents.htm
NOTE: See "Quick Guides" at the bottom of the second above link.
OR right here: http://www.bomgar.com/docs/content/quickguides/representative-console.htm

Dan demonstrated a cool method for pushing a website to the end users browser.

Dan mentioned that some places are going to be using the jump client. NOTE: The user or the remote person can remove the jump client.

1.) Draft Jim's chart in Visio
2.) Dan to provide user docs
3.) Create a user friendly usage documents

Do we need a process for the users or just for the technicians? Felt we needed some information for the user so they can understand what is going on, what to expect.

Will there be training for the technicians? Probably an open forum or something like that.

Need a process for the jump client as well.

Jim asked if we could have an account to use so we can play back and forth and capture screenshots, etc. Is there some overlap with work that Beth Lyons is doing? Dan wondered if we should get everyone together. Jim mentioned that they are doing the C@C stuff mostly for user FAQs, etc. Maybe we do the stuff on the tech side and they do the customer facing stuff. Either way they could make use of the stuff/screen shots we are creating.

Beth Lyons joined us and we discussed the end user and technical documentation and roles and responsibilities. Mentioned that Chuck Boeheim has a role in provisioning new clients that want to come on board with Bomgar.
I believe he works with Chuck Jessop on this, Jeff Truelsen is the documentation lead.

We'll continue to work on the process and get with Jeff so the documentation is in sync with the documentation.


  • What is Bomgar and how is it used?
    • Modes: Jump mode, non-jump mode (create a matrix/table)
    • Differentiate between administrative IT staff and others?
    • Noted that remote desktop is still enabled, will it be disabled in favor of Bomgar? Question for steering committee.
    • Will the use of jump client be decided by individual units?
  • Privacy
    • Confidential data and encrypted folders
  • What if I'd rather have a support person come to me?
  • What is installed on my machine?
  • Supported hardware
  • Who will have access to my machine and why?

Jump process.

  • Create an MSI file and IT could install it on your machine (you would not know that it happened). Would this be part of a standard (managed) desktop.
  • Use the "push pin" icon. Can pin to user or team.
  • User must allow when using the "pin" icon.
  • Can end or hold session.
  • Tech will have a list of jump clients.
  • Can click on Jump Icon to reconnect to remote machine.
    --NOTE: there was a firewall issue where my machine was passively listening on 5832, but could not connect from the server. Had to disable my firewall.
  • NOTE: There is an icon in my system tray for Bomgar. Also, Bomgar is in my installed software list. And it is also shows up in extended services, running as a service.
  • I added TCP port 5832 as a firewall exception. Seemed to still be an issue when trying to reconnect via the jump client. Dan resent me the email, an we were able to connect. He reconnected and tried to do the pin, I may not have answered fast enough, I wasn't pinned.
  • Must allow popups in the browser and file download. File download may not be as big an issue, you can click on the direct link.
  • We were able to re-pin the jump client. Dan is seeing if he can reconnect with the firewall enabled and port exception in place and was able to connect OK.
  • No labels