Blog from September, 2011

There will be no PRL Seminar this week. We will resume next Friday, October 7.


PRL Seminar for Friday Sept 23

Analyzing Access Control Logics Using Evidence Semantics

Presented by Robert Constable

It is known that access control logics can be given a clear semantics using realizability. Abadi has written about this as well as several other authors, and there is a mapping of Abadi's particular logic, CDD, into system F. However, in his paper Variations in Access Control Logic from 2008, he does not employ realizability.  I will interpret his results using evidence semantics because the proofs can be made simpler, they suggest implementation ideas, and because his results illustrate a principle that Mark and I advance: the natural logic of distributed computing is intuitionistic.

This week's seminar will take place in Upson 5126 from Noon-1PM.

PRL Seminar for Friday Sept. 16

NuPRL in Action

A demonstration by Mark Bickford

Mark Bickford will demonstrate the Nuprl system in action.  He will start by showing how to state and prove simple theorems in logic and number theory and extract efficient programs from the proofs.  He will also illustrate some elements of Event Logic in specifying a protocol. If there is time he will show some proofs he created this summer while tracking results of Dexter Kozen and Alexandra Silva as they were developing them. His investigations reveal a need to take a closer look at Brouwer's ideas about continuity as a general property of computable functions.

This week's seminar will take place in Upson 5126 from Noon-1PM.

PRL Demo at Sept. 16 Seminar

This Friday's Seminar will feature a demonstration of NuPRL by Mark Bickford. Mark is a senior researcher on the PRL team focusing on proof development.

Details will be posted to the website later this week:


The Fall 2011 PRL Seminar begins today. This will be a planning meeting for the upcoming series.

We'll meet in Upson 5126 every Friday from Noon-1PM.

Please join us. Bring a brown bag lunch if you wish.

Updates on the seminar will be posted to


PRL Seminar Fall 2011

  • Fridays Noon-1:00PM
  • Meet in Upson Hall Room 5126
  • Planning meeting set for Sept. 9