Blog from April, 2015

Metadata for Video: A Primer
Tre Berney
April 17, 2015, 10:30am - 12:00pm, Olin 106G


Tre Berney will discuss sources, reasons, and challenges in dealing with video and its complexities in regard to metadata. His presentation will touch on a variety of things, including: • Why technical metadata is important to moving images & how it works • The importance of identifying the metadata needs of different kinds of institutions • Applications of video metadata at CUL and the Lab of Ornithology • The technical challenges of our current archive and delivery systems, including our implementation of Kaltura, an open source media streaming solution
Berney, Tre. Metadata for Video: A Primer. (2015-04-17) Recording Tre Berney will discuss sources, reasons, and challenges in dealing with video and its complexities in regard to metadata. His presentation will touch on a variety of things, including: • Why technical metadata is important to moving images & how it works • The importance of identifying the metadata needs of different kinds of institutions • Applications of video metadata at CUL and the Lab of Ornithology • The technical challenges of our current archive and delivery systems, including our implementation of Kaltura, an open source media streaming solution.
NISO Webinar
April 8, 2015, 1pm - 2:30pm, Olin Library 703


Password for Recording: bf_early_experimenters About the Webinar In May 2011, the Library of Congress officially launched a new modeling initiative, Bibliographic Framework Initiative, as a linked data alternative to MARC. The Library then announced in November 2012 the proposed model, called BIBFRAME. Since then, the library world is moving from mainly theorizing about the BIBFRAME model to attempts to implement practical experimentation and testing. This experimentation is iterative, and continues to shape the model so that it’s stable enough and broadly acceptable enough for adoption. In this webinar, several institutions will share their progress in experimenting with BIBFRAME within their library system. They will discuss the existing, developing, and planned projects happening at their institutions. Challenges and opportunities in exploring and implementing BIBFRAME in their institutions will be discussed as well. Agenda Introduction Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO Experimental Mode: The National Library of Medicine and experiences with BIBFRAME Nancy Fallgren, Metadata Specialist Librarian, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) To date, the work the National Library of Medicine (NLM) has undertaken is realm of enhancing understanding of the BIBFRAME model as produced by the Library of Congress and Zepheira and, more recently, trying to change those models. At NLM, tasks are focused on developing a workable, broadly acceptable BIBFFRAME model in an experimental mode -- not a production mode -- so that community buy-in and tool development can begin in earnest. NLM is are planning to do more practical experimentation, including generating new BIBFRAME data with tools developed by others by Spring 2015; however, any data produced is not likely to be stable or useful beyond providing sample data to support NLM's idea of what the BIBFFRAME model should be/how it should work. Nancy Fallgren is currently a Metadata Specialist Librarian in the Cataloging Section of the National Library of Medicine and member of the BIBFRAME Early Experimenters Group. She is also fortunate to have been a consultant to the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control. Nancy received her MLS from the University of Maryland in 2006, following many years as a para-professional cataloger in her local public library system. In addition to working at NLM, Nancy held professional positions first as a Cataloger and then a Metadata Librarian at The Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University, and, as a Graduate Assistant at McKeldin Library, was involved in e-resource licensing for the University System of Maryland. * * * * * * * * Exploring BIBFRAME at a Small Academic Library Jeremy Nelson, Metadata and Systems Librarian, Colorado College This presentation traces the development path taken by the Tutt Library at Colorado College as its explores how BIBFRAME and other Linked-data vocabularies can be used in library systems to improve operations and provide superior access and discoverability of the library's collections. Starting with early experiments modeling bibliographic entities using Google App Engine & Solr, the library moved to using Redis as a bibliographic store for FRBR and BIBFRAME entities. Limitations with Redis lead to further experimental systems with MongoDB and Solr, leading eventually to using Fedora 4 as a Linked Data Platform supported by Elastic Search, Fuseki, and Redis that is being actively developed in the upcoming BIBFRAME Catalog for the Library of Congress. The future plans for the Tutt Library is to use the BIBFRAME Catalog a foundation for a new integrated library catalog and website. Jeremy Nelson is the Metadata and Systems Librarian at Colorado College, a four-year private liberal arts college in Colorado Springs. In addition to working 8 hours a week on the library's research help desk, providing information literacy instruction to undergraduates, and supervising the library's systems and cataloging departments, Nelson is actively researching and developing various components and open-source tools in the Catalog Pull Platform for use by Colorado College, the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Consortium, and the Library of Congress. Nelson's previous library experience includes jobs at Western State Colorado University and the University of Utah. Prior to becoming a librarian, Nelson worked as programmer and project manager at various software companies and financial services institutions. His undergraduate degree is from Knox College and his Master of Science in Library and Information Science is from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. * * * * * * * * Working with BIBFRAME for discovery and production: Linked data for Libraries/Linked Data for Production Nancy Lorimer, Head, Metadata Dept, Stanford University Libraries This presentation will describe and provide updates on two collaborative and related linked open data projects Stanford is participating in—Linked Data for Libraries and Linked Data for Production. Both projects make use of BIBFRAME to explore and use linked data in the library environment. Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) is a collaborative project of Stanford, Cornell, and Harvard to create a semantic information store model of scholarly resources. The goal is to bring together three large pools of data—bibliographic data (transformed from MARC to BIBFRAME); person data; and various types of usage data—and link them together through an open source ontology and engineering framework, to capture the intellectual value that librarians and other domain experts and scholars add to information resources. Active since January 2014, the project is in its second year of a two year grant. Linked Data for Production (LD4Prod) is a natural outgrowth of LD4L. The primary goal of this collaboration between 5 academic libraries (Stanford, Cornell, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton) and the Library of Congress is to actively explore metadata creation in the linked data environment using BIBFRAME, and integrating it into our technical services workflows. To that end, we will be defining specifications for tool development and infrastructure, exploring how cataloging rules mesh with BIBFRAME, and creating profiles for various subject domains. Nancy Lorimer has recently become Interim Head of the Metadata Department at Stanford University. Formerly Head of Music Technical Services, she has represented music in the Stanford Metadata Bibframe group, working with her colleagues to test and discuss Bibframe tools and issues within the greater world of linked data, and now leads the group’s discussions. On the more traditional side, Nancy is Chair of the Music Library Association Genre/Form task force, coordinator for the SACO Music Funnel, and has participated in PCC & MLA task forces related to RDA implementation and standards. A former Chair of MLA’s Bibliographic Control Committee, she is also a member of the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee and represents Music on the Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials RDA committee.
NISO. April 8 NISO Webinar: Experimenting with BIBFRAME: Reports from Early Adopters. (2015-04-08) Recording