Blog from March, 2014

Jaron Porciello
Michelle Paolillo
Steven Folsom
March 21, 2014, 10:30am - 12:00pm, Olin 106G


A discussion on the Cornell Library’s Digital Scholarship and Preservation Services, HathiTrust involvement, and a related project to improve access to a journal publication, The Cornell Veterinarian.
  • Porciello, Jaron. Engaging metadata in HathiTrust to Enhance Access and Discovery: The Cornell Veterinarian. (2014-03-21) PowerPoint Enabling article-level access for full-text articles to The Cornell Veterinarian residing in HathiTrust to citations in PubMed facilitates a familiar and useful research experience for the community of practice.
  • Paolillo, Michelle. HathiTrust: Possibilities. (2014-03-21) PowerPoint An outline of the mission and scope of HathiTrust, Cornell Library's involvement with this initiative, and the possibilities for leveraging the HathiTrust API's for new uses of the content with the HathiTrust Digital Library.
  • Folsom, Steven. The Cornell Veterinarian: A Metadata Perspective. (2014-03-21) PowerPoint This presentation outlines some of the challenges faced when trying to provide article level access to a journal (The Cornell Veterinarian) from within the HathiTrust Digital Library.