1. Your favorite place to study or get work done
  2. Your least favorite place to study or get work done
  3. Where you like to hang out with your friends 
  4. Where you like to work on group projects or meet with a group
  5. A favorite place in a library
  6. A least favorite place in a library or something you would change
  7. A place in a library where you feel comfortable or like to study
  8. A place in a library where you feel uncomfortable or don't like to study
  9. Items you carry with you throughout the day on campus
  10. The most comfortable piece of furniture you have used on campus
  11. Technology that you use often
  12. Where you work on projects that involve using a computer
  13. Where you would like to work on a project using a computer
  14. Where you are most likely to talk with one of your professors
  15. Where you go between classes
  16. How you keep track of your school work and other activities
  17. Tools you use for assignments (individual and group)
  18. Something you wish you had known about as a new student
  • No labels


  1. user-b028b

    My vote for what to cut:

    Are all questions bound by on-campus? Some of the questions in the beginning specify while others do not.

  2. user-3b7f1

    Gee, I like most of these; info I can use. I'm comfortable cutting:



  3. user-b509a

    #11 - I feel like #'s 7-10 should give us a good sense of what they like/don't like about the library (we'll have to decide if what to specifically say Mann Library or open it up to all CUL)



    #21 - I think #12 would probably give us a good sense of their communication devices

