2023 Apr-26:

Present: Reanna, Diana, Hannah, Tracey, Christian, Julia G., Julia M., Lauren, Devin, Ashley, Christina, Marcie, Nina

Membership & chairsReanna
  • Cycling off committee for next year: Ashley, Iliana

    • All other members present indicated that they would be staying on - Reanna will email absent members to check with them.
  • It was suggested that it would be helpful to have a new member with a data background. Members are asked to reach out to anyone in their unit who might be interested in applying. Once we know how many applications we have, we will make a decision about admissions.
  • Next year, Reanna will become the outgoing chair, and the position of incoming chair would be vacant.
    • Lauren put herself forward for the role - there was unanimous approval of this appointment.

End of the year event

  • Last year's event was co-hosted with the Liaison Committee, outside Mann Library. This was a popular event, and information and ideas from that meeting helped guide the committee's work this year. The event was open to all CUL staff who interact with students.
  • An unconference-style event was suggested, with attendees putting forward topics that they wish to discuss. It was agreed that an outdoor (weather-dependent) event with food would be ideal.
    • Reanna will liaise with Craig for information about budget.
    • We need to finalize a date and location (with an indoor and outdoor option) - members are asked to do initial research and suggest locations.
    • Reanna will set up a poll to determine committee availability and help narrow down a date. It was agreed that a 90 minute long event was about the right length. Members are encouraged to share event ideas over the next month.
    • Some ideas suggested included: hiring the Dairy Bar ice cream tricycle; ensuring that there is shelter from the sun at any outdoor event; hosting the event as a brunch, in order to avoid heat/sun.

Niche Academy

  • Diana gave a brief introduction to Niche Academy, a platform and tool for creating online/asynchronous learning materials. Diana and Robin attended a sales pitch for the product and have a lot of information to share.

    • Individual licenses are not provided - institutional access is provided, with the cost based on FTE student numbers.
    • Diana will circulate information about the product and free trial access so that members can investigate the product. It will be discussed further at the next meeting.
    • Members are asked to reach out to colleagues who may be working with Niche Academy for their opinions and experiences (SUNY is one).
    • The platform claims to be WCAG 2.0 compliant. Reanna will book a slot for accessibility testing, with the hope that if we decide to submit a proposal, we could be ready to go for the Fall.


  • Christina asked if anyone had heard anything about whether the ACRL Immersion program was planned for the near future, or if anyone had any recommendations for other development programs.
    • Loex, WILU, and Inclusive Library Classroom were all suggested as alternatives - no one has heard anything about plans for the ACRL Immersion.

New cycle

  • The new cycle begins in July - call for ideas for co-learning events over the summer. Members are also encouraged to consider ideas for events, tools, discussion topics for 2023-24
  • It was decided to take a hiatus from meetings in July and August, but continued sharing of ideas, papers, conferences, etc. is encouraged over email and/or Slack.
    • Nina mentioned that there used to be an instruction listserv - Reanna will investigate gaining control of this for team communications.


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