Please help decide what to call our instructional videos on the CUL MediaSpace (Kaltura). We need a main category and sub-categories. Keep in mind: since this is a designated library space and a multimedia space, it would be redundant to include library or video in the name; categories should make sense to our users. Add your ideas to the comments by October 5th.

  • No labels


  1. user-a2845

    I don't see anything wrong with the names you have.  The only thing that came to mind was perhaps not using library names but going with disciplines (Agriculture & Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, etc.)

    1. user-5de93

      Thanks, Tony. I should clarify -- the names of libraries listed here are what shows up under the Libraries main category. 

  2. user-cc7e8

    For the main category I'd suggest something like Instruction or Learning or HowTos. For the subcategories: Get Started; Find; Evaluate; Use & Cite. I assume we can put things under more than one category, correct? Also will this be the only metadata we can use? For instance, though these might not be navigation links I'd like to search and sort by who made the video and when and what outcomes it addresses, see whether they are tool, skill or concept-based, and see a brief description and link to a transcript. I'd also like a pony:)

  3. user-5de93

    Yes, that's right Camille. Videos can be under multiple categories and can be tagged.  There will be metadata for title, creator, description, etc.