Charette Protocol. See worksheet and powerpoint attached.

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Instruction Forum Fall2012.pptx Dec 17, 2012 by 00d4eab94afcfd33014afd069de24266
Microsoft Word Document CharretteWorksheet Fall2012.docx Dec 17, 2012 by 00d4eab94afcfd33014afd069de24266
Microsoft Word Document Charrette_DiscussionandNextSteps.docx Charrette Discussion Suggestions Feb 06, 2013 by Gabriela Castro Gessner

This program was run successfully at NYU in Spring 2012 for their teaching librarians. Original materials developed by Nicole E. Brown, Multidisciplinary Instruction Librarian, NYU.

Email message:

Dear CUL Instructors,

Save the date for an End of Semester Instruction Forum on Friday, December 14, 3:00 - 4:30 pm in Mann 160.

The forum will be an opportunity to reflect on our teaching this semester, learn from our colleagues, and share successes and challenges. We will use the Charette Protocol, a small groups discussion technique that gives all participants time to speak uninterrupted and to actively listen and respond to the concerns and ideas of others.

To help us prepare for the session, please identify a specific teaching and learning problem or issue that you would like to discuss. Together we’ll brainstorm and work on aspects of teaching that you would like to improve. For example: using group work effectively, explaining subject headings, getting students to understand why to use library resources, using visual aids, leading discussions. You could describe a technique that you learned at ACRL Immersion, tried this semester, and want to improve.

Open to all staff who teach library sessions or workshops.

Please let us know if you'll attend. R.S.V.P. by Monday, Dec. 3 to Kaila Bussert,

Refreshments provided. Following the forum, please join us at The Statler Lounge for more socializing and end of semester celebration. (Food and drinks on your own at The Statler.)

RSVP list:

Kaila Bussert - intro facilitator/participant
Thomas Mills - large groups discussion facilitator/participant
Mary Ochs - small groups charette timer
Gaby Castro Gessner - small groups charette facilitator

Marsha Taichman
Nina Scholtz
Amy Emerson
Tony Cosgrave
Jaron Porciello by phone
Chris Miller
Tracey Snyder
Michael Engle
Sarah Wright
Sarah Young
Aliqae Geraci (1st hour)
Ken Bolton
Virginia Cole
Tom Ottaviano
Keith Jenkins
Lance Heidig
Maureen Morris ?
Lynn Thitchener
Daniel Hickey
Camille Andrews
Susette Newberry
Jeremy Cusker ?
Martha Walker

In attendance:

Kaila Bussert - intro facilitator/participant
Thomas Mills - large groups discussion facilitator/participant
Mary Ochs - small groups charette timer
Gaby Castro Gessner - small groups charette facilitator

Nina Scholtz
Amy Emerson
Tony Cosgrave
Jaron Porciello by phone
Chris Miller
Tracey Snyder
Michael Engle
Sarah Wright
Sarah Young
Tom Ottaviano
Keith Jenkins
Lynn Thitchener
Camille Andrews
Martha Walker
Dan Blackerby

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