October 26, 2021, 1-2 p.m.

Feedback on the PS Teams (with Bonna Boettcher, AUL for Public Services present)

Missing Public Service: Collections. How can we better integrate with collections?

Director of Instruction: Some felt that having a Director of Instruction is a good idea since it would provide continuity and the ability to build a vision for how instruction should move forward and how new/continuing instructors can be supported. In addition, it is very complex for a dynamic group to coordinate activity across CUL. It would also be good to have someone talk to the University as a whole and to see where IL, digital, and other literacies fit into the larger framework. However, we still need units to be able to support different relationships/constituencies, and perhaps the Team should stay in place for this person to check-in with. This position could look at the University and determine how we can position ourselves as an instruction unit to support IL and the student experience. Can also assist with assessment and that would be better coordinated if one person instead of the whole group.

Drawbacks with a Director: Do not want instruction to be standardized. Also, do not want someone who has a top down approach, but a person open to collaboration, transparency, and new frameworks (critical/trauma informed pedagogy). A Director requires a financial commitment. What if more authority and budget are given to this group for training and mentoring within instruction and tools to improve our teaching.

Bonna Response to Director: Director would keep track of trends in the field, and also develop an understanding of the wide range of instruction initiatives/programs that are happening at CUL. [NOTE: Missed some comments here because my internet froze.] We could follow the Andy/Access Services model, where he has gotten to know the individuals involved and brings their strengths together. We would also need an advisory/strategy group. The Director would meet with the unit coordinators to help set priorities. Perhaps they can talk with people/units (a listening tour) to see about needed resources do you need, answer questions, and inform their projects.

Current Team Feedback: What authority do we have? We share ideas but what can we do with those, and do we have the authority to make it happen? How do we expand the discussions across CUL? We only have a finite amount of time to dedicate to the Team, and it takes a back seat. You could hire more people to unburden those on the committee. If this work is important, then should there be some active discussion and consideration about freeing up time from regular responsibilities to do this work. Do you look at subteams or projects differently? Meet more frequently and bring in others from outside the group to get things accomplished.

Bonna to Response Team: Not sure if the current charge captures a mission, ways to think about goals, and mechanisms for accomplishing. Where can we learn from each other and understand what is happening in units, and where are things that we are better off at the CUL level. Big assessment piece; we collect all kinds of data and need to do things with it. How are we connecting the dots with all the unit instruction, and then to the University? How are we bringing all of that back and making the connections clearer at CUL?

Next Steps/Other Suggestions: What are the goals for the Instruction Team? This might dictate the best structure/strategy. Is the goal to create the most meaningful instruction across the units? Is the goal a more systematic integration within the University curriculum? Hard to answer until we know what we are trying to achieve. Do wonder if we can start with a community of practice? Bringing new things to the forefront; reading, discussing, and applying in the classroom. We want to move forward and take our place as experts in various literacies and intentionally position our programs in a way that faculty see value. What are the underlying threshold concepts that we want to be teaching? There used to be a peer teaching/mentoring program, really interested in doing that again. How do we approach more interdisciplinary instruction?

Bonna Question (Capacity): How would you free up time for ongoing and active work around instruction? What does that look like?

Team Answer: Part of this is wrapped up in current job roles. Will this work align with unit work? Be additional? Gut answer is maybe 10 hours a week.

Bonna Question (Primary/Secondary): How would RAD/traditional instruction work together and interact?

Team Answer: Look at this as how do we get the materials together and put them in the same room at the same time (logistics). Would like to see people teaching across collections more often. Joan is taking over the CCC and will have more subteams to engage with. Want more opportunities to teach collaboratively and not see ourselves as one or the other. Do you teach students how to use a finding aid? Different instruction areas for students.

Website Feedback: Recently looked at CUL website for research tips and instruction. Site hasn’t changed over time, and students will never read the content. Where would that fall? Mann does that internally but who takes charge of instructional content on CUL website? How do we get the site regularly reviewed? We have so many people who need the site (need to define the target audiences for the site).

Sept 21, 2021
Present: Ashley, Christina, Mel, You Lee, Chris, Marsha, Nina, Sarah


  • Welcome to our new members! Sarah, Business; Marsha, Fine Arts, Music, Africana
  • Brief overview of the committee: who we are, what we do, how we function
  • Discussing questions sent from Bonna re: future planning/reimagining of public service teams
  1. How might we organize ourselves to better manage the CUL-wide work that needs to be done and help us to start thinking about innovation opportunities in these areas?  We’ve tried the team model with varying degrees of success (through no fault of those leading and participating in the teams). The Access Services Team recently restructured and we wonder where there are better ways to structure the other teams so they work more effectively? Should we even have them at all and if we don’t, what are our alternatives? 
    1. Maybe we need a "Czar of instruction" for all of CUL, similar to Director of Access Services position. They could consult Instruction Leads/Coordinators across units, set direction, coordination execution and assessment of success, help establish CUL Instruction Program learning outcomes. Would also help establish external relations with important units on campus, like CTI, Office of the Vice Provost (Lisa Nishi)Having a committee for instruction does have benefits: Provides mechanism to advance projects, does provide fellowship for instructors, structure ensures accountability. Also some drawbacks: limits free-flow of serendipitous exploration, formality limits organic one-off ideas (i.e., would it be easier to informally start a journal club if people didn't worry about which organizational structure it should fit within?)
  2. What do we consider the functional areas of public services? What is missing?  

    Public Services Functions 

    ·         Access Services (already significantly reimagined) 

    ·         Digital Scholarship, including data services (already working with university partners) 

    ·         Instruction 

    ·         Liaison/Outreach/Engagement Services 

    ·         Reference/Research Services 

    ·         What is missing?  Collections? If we want our collections exposed to students and incorporated into our public service work, it seems they should somehow be represented here.

  3. What do you hope that we can achieve in our public services functions CUL-wide? Other thoughts and ideas? 
  • Next month: Discussion with Bonna, revisit annual goals 

June 23, 2021
10-11 am
Present: Ashley, Rachel, Lenora, Christina, Mel, You Lee,


CUL Instruction Overview - sharing unit instruction programs with team

  • Rachel presented an overview of instruction at the Business, Engineering, & Entrepreneurship Libraries

Topics of discussion

  • Are research consultations instructional? In some cases this is where a lot of instruction occurs due to the number of resources and complexity involved.
  • How to find a common approach to instruction (vision) among multiple units
  • Further discussion of proposed goals

May 26, 2021
10-11 am
Present: Lenora, Christina, Ashley, Mel, Chris, You Lee, Nina, Lynn, Marcie, Kelly


CUL Instruction Overview - sharing unit instruction programs with team
  • Nina provided overview of Law instruction program

End-of-Semester Event - follow-up

  • Very well received; eight CUL presenters in addition to guest speaker Shakima M. Clency
  • Suggestion to provide video in the future so prospective participants would have examples of types of presentations

Subteam updates

  • Assessment: CLIQ survey has been trimmed to two questions and will be piloted over the summer. Mel will send out details in an email for further input from the team.

April 28, 2021
10-11 am
Present: Lenora, Christina, Ashley, Mel, Chris, You Lee, Nina, Rachel, Lynn, Marcie


End-of-Semester Event co-sponsored with Liaison Steering - proposed date Tuesday, May 25 10-11:30

  • Confirmed with CUL events coordinators; no competing events and now on CU community calendar
  • Planned presentation by Shakima M. Clency, Peggy J. Koenig '78 Associate Dean of Students for Student Empowerment and Director of First-Generation and Low-Income Support
  • Remainder of program will be CUL presenters on how liaison and instruction work has changed over the last 14 months - would be good to have about 8-12 presenters
    • Lightning round presentations might feel like an easier commitment; in the call for volunteers, add a few prompts to help with ideas
    • Team members can help by reaching out to co-workers
    • Ashley and Chris will work on communication

CUL Instruction Overview - sharing unit instruction programs with team

Team membership

  • In anticipation of upcoming Coordinated Call for CUL committees, do we need additional members-at-large?
    • Lynn is planning to rotate off

Subteam updates

  • Assessment
    • Planning to reduce CLIQ survey to fewer questions; stayed tuned for additional updates
  • LibGuides
    • Working on training materials


March 24, 2021
10-11 am
Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/6806168667?pwd=YW1zSXNZb0dPNGRmVEN3QnNLZThWZz09
Present: Ashley, Lenora, You Lee, Lynn, Nina, Chris, Rachel, Christina, Marcie


Report-out from recent discussions concerning CUL instruction assessment (Ashley)

  • Based on Mel's survey about CLIQ, considering a paired down version, but accompanied by skills-based assessment
  • Bonna is encouraging the Instruction Team to come up with recommendations
  • Ideas for a starting place
    • Look at tutorials that have been created during virtual teaching and consider having these available in a single location as tools/resources for other instructors
    • Have opportunity for instructors to come together and compare current assessment efforts

Team structure and subteams (all)

  • Should we reconsider our subteam structure to accommodate larger-scale projects? Changes in assessment for CUL might be too much for a 2-3 person subteam
  • Consider a project-based model (or is this actually similar to the subteams?)
  • As with LibGuides subteam, help can be added from people outside of the Team

Future initiatives (all)

  • Look at some recent systematic reviews to see what other libraries consider core competencies for instruction
  • Learn more about what instruction is happening in CUL and what support/resources would be helpful from the Instruction Team
    • 1-1 interviews, maybe conducted by unit reps, to gather information
    • And/or town hall for easier fact-finding and to allow people to hear each other's ideas
  • Consider more opportunities for interaction about different types of instruction
    • ex. primary source literacy / RAD instruction
    • how to introduce LC and problems of system
    • maybe have rotation of sharing unit instruction activity at meetings
    • Consider asking for time on O&E forums to present on instruction initiatives

February 24, 2021
10-11 am
Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/6806168667?pwd=YW1zSXNZb0dPNGRmVEN3QnNLZThWZz09
Present: Ashley, Lenora, You Lee, Lynn, Nina, Mel, Chris, Rachel, Christina, Laurent


Get Started Orientation Sessions

  • Two sessions were taught in early February, total attendees: 17 (similar to number at in-person sessions taught in January 2020)

Goals for 2021-22

  • Public Service Team leads asked to share prospective goals for the upcoming year (2021-2022) at a meeting on March 15.
  • Possible ideas:
    • Instructional videos to accompany the "Introduction to Library Research" page on the CUL site We may want to remove this! I floated the idea, but I didn't sense any buy-in from others, so it may be best to remove from the list of ideas – Lynn
    • Videos that demonstrate common practices for creating accessible LibGuides from the start and updating LibGuide accessibility LibGuide (both could involve collaborating with Kevin and Darcy) 
    • Revise CLIQ/Devise new assessment strategies for CUL instruction, working with instructors and administration to set guidelines for what would be most helpful for them 
    • Create a checklist for new library instructors
    • Continue to lead discussion-based programming on topics of relevance to CUL instructors and informed by university and library priorities (article discussions and end-of-semester event(s))
    • Inclusive teaching principles and practices to be intertwined with many of the goals above (include on new instructor checklist, create programming/events that center inclusive pedagogy, continue focus on accessibility, etc.)

Joint end-of-semester of event w/ Liaison Steering

  • Ashley talked to Alison Shea about co-sponsoring an event with Liaison Steering. Thought so far is that a casual, drop-in event in/around mid-May, 1.5-2 hours, holding space open for liaisons and instructors to share current practices that they have been involved in. 

New instructor checklist 

  • Lenora sent a Google doc (← link; restricted access, ask for permission if you can't open it) just as a start. Can pursue this in the coming year as it might be a longer term project

Libguides, next steps

  • See goals above

Unit updates

  • Nothing specific, but general consensus that online teaching is time consuming and we are mostly eager to get back into the physical classroom (when it is safe to do so)!

Present: Lenora, Christina, Ashley, Mel, Chris (notetaker), You Lee, Nina, Rachel, Laurent 

Review of team goals, specifically:
  • Develop a categorization system for the Convene CUL Workshop calendar.
    • Not extremely time-sensitive, Nina will pull some documentation and share
  • Generate a checklist and primer for new library instructors at CUL
    • Start a Google Doc where we can all share our thoughts on what would be important to include (Lenora will create and send out)

Looking ahead-  new goals, membership, incoming chair

  • New goals - start thinking about new goals in time for Coordinated Call, possibly April, in order to have something to share with potential new members
  • Membership - Currently fully "staffed"!
  • Incoming Chair - Hold off replacing Incoming Chair until July, will then be on a regular 12 month

Ideas for End-of-Semester event w/ Liaison Steering

  • One possibility could be a journal club, reading an instruction/liaison-related article and discussing (could also have Programming subteam set this up over the course of the Spring semester)
  • Forum on unit's approaches/models used to promote instruction services (and/or liaison services)
  • Instruction showcase
  • Guest speaker(s)

Subteam updates

  • Leadership/Information Literacy Subteam - 
  • Assessment Subteam - Survey sent out to CUL-Instructors on experience with CLIQ. 24 responses received by Monday, now closed. Team will now look at that. There were a few respondents that volunteered to look at/think about assessment going forward.
  • Programming Subteam - Possible reading discussion. Taking suggestions for articles. Lenora will send out a note asking for ideas. The group also discussed End-of-semester and other programming ideas, including the rescheduling of the Inclusive Teaching workshop. Ashley will talk to Alison about these and circle back to the group.
  • LibGuides Subteam - Worked on LibGuide accessibility through Fall. Have achieved 95% compliance! Checking on compliance is continuing every Friday and if there are re-published guides that aren't accessible the guide author will be notified. For Spring, want to create training materials that will allow us to maintain that level. Idea being that they would be self-paced modules with short videos. Unlikely to be totally done by end of annual cycle, but make some progress. 
  • Outreach & Communications Subteam - Chris and Ashley will get together to talk about some possibilities and capacity.

December 9, 2020 meeting 4:00pm Zoom
  • change in team leadership in January
  • Spring orientation sessions for transfer students: 1-2pm on Feb 4 and Feb 5
Subteam updates
  • Programming/Outreach
    • Dec End-of-Semester Event:  9-10:30 on Dec. 17 with Melina Ivanchikova, Associate Director for Inclusive Teaching at CTI
  • Assessment
  • LibGuides

Unit Updates

October 28, 2020 meeting, 10:30am Zoom

Present: Lenora, Christina, Marcie, You Lee, Nina, Lynn, Chris, Mel, Kelly
  • Informal discussion about FA 2020 online instruction: Monday, November 2nd, 2:00-2:50
  • Call for Volunteers: International Student Small Group Facilitators. If you would like to volunteer to be a facilitator please sign-up here by Friday, October 30, 2020
  • Monthly meeting time and conflict with Wednesday COVID drop-in sessions - 10am generally works for everyone and will prevent potential conflict
Subteam Updates
  • Programming
    • Informal discussion around FA 2020 online instruction planned for Monday, 11/2, 2:00-2:50
    • Contacted Melina Ivanchikova from CTI about possibility of leading a December Event on the topic of inclusive teaching practices
  • LibGuides
    • Accessible template in SiteImprove is working successfully
    • Asking people to discontinue use of default template and mouse-over text
    • Support for continued compliance not yet clear; suggestion to make sure new people who request accounts are given information & training on accessibility requirements
  • Assessment
    • Continuing fuller evaluation of CLIQ and working with Gaby on survey for instruction librarians

Unit Updates and what changes in instruction are anticipated for Spring 21?
  • Olin/Uris A&S session are finished
  • Law: Finished L1 writing and research classes; might move to some in-person instruction in the spring
  • Mann: Mostly synchronous instruction this semester
  • Catherwood: FA 20 has had about 2/3 level of usual library instruction
  • Kheel: Hope to do on-site instruction sessions over Zoom in spring for greater ease in demonstrating archival materials

Updating Instructors-l list: Lenora will inquire with instruction coordinators about staff who should be included. Last update from instruction coordinators was October 2019

Next meeting: Maybe reschedule due to proximity to Thanksgiving?

September 23, 2020 meeting, 10:30 am Zoom
Present: Jeremy, Chris, Christina, Gaby, Linda, Nina, Marcie, You Lee, 

1.) Gaby & Linda: Further discussion on CountIt, survey results

  • How to record things in CountIt during this semester and beyond
  • Linda has written these up in her document in blue to highlight them, answer questions
  • ARL & ACRL discussion; decision being put into writing
  • Should definitely have training events, host/share documentation (FAQs)
  • Marcie: Worthwhile to spend a lot of time on CountIt when LibInsight will be replacing it? Gaby: CountIt will exist for some time to come even with change
  • Need help from one of our subteams
  • Chris: Is making a LibGuide a 'presentation'? Mixed feelings
  • Discuss training in future; people can bring their FAQs. Need to decide which group has responsibility for this?

2.) Mel Jensen (+Assessment team more generally): CLIQ survey discussion

  • Tabular data presentation across years/units?
  • Fall 2015 - fall 2020; goal = undergraduate instruction, uniform classroom assessment (some deviation since then)
  • Mel has powerpoint
  • 97.3% said instruction session as helpful (averaged across all semesters)
  • High-90s for Agree + Highly Agree for "this will help me complete assignments"
  • Generally consistent data across semesters
  • Unlikely to gain additional insights from this data
  • Will continue this this semester to evaluate this this semester

3.) Jeremy: Editing the Instruction team/workshop page on library.cornell.edu (https://www.library.cornell.edu/services/instruction/workshops)

  • Possibility of cross-linking to that Workshops page from multiple places (already being 'piped in' to Events listing)
  • Need it's own free-standing place to 'live'
  • No really obvious good place for it to go; link it off of multiple places?
  • Pull it out of 'Instruction' as main hub but keep it as freestanding page?
  • Keep it as a list of just workshops; not mixed in with other 'Events'
  • Jeremy: Will report back these findings/sentiments to Erica Johns, et al
    • Message sent 9/25/20: 
      Hi everyone,
      We talked about this 'setup' at the last Instruction team meeting earlier this week.
      I believe the consensus was that this listing of workshops should indeed go in it's own listing under 'Events'. But we had several additional thoughts as well:
      While it's not quite in scope for Instruction, is there a reason it couldn't *also* remain as an adjunct menu off the Instruction page? It has a certain thematic relationship
      Also, the menu currently linked off the Instruction page has the advantage of 'gathering' all such workshops together, separate from the list of library events on this page here: https://www.library.cornell.edu/about/events
      ...which we thought had the effect of 'burying' these offerings among other, non-workshop offerings. I'd imagine you feel the same way.
      So in short, we totally support the idea of making this listing more-visible in more places. It should be 'surfaced' but also the listing of workshops should be kept together to enable people to easily peruse the list of offerings, separate from other events, exhibits, etc.
      Let us know what you think. 

4.) Outreach & Programming (focus on December event or other event(s) earlier in semester):

  • Additional member for Outreach? Swap from another group? (Will discuss in LibGuides & Outreach about possible changes in membership/leadership)
  • Chris Miller: DIB Council programming; possible inclusive teaching focus for December event?
  • Possible CTI 'guest speaker'
    • As guest speaker for December event, keynote
    • Melina Ivanchikova, Associate Director for Inclusive Teaching at CTI, or someone else can present or facilitate a program on inclusive teaching practices
  • Ivy+ collaboration (via Kelee Pacion, now at Princeton)

5.) Other subteam updates

  • LibGuides: Check in with Kevin Kidwell and Wendy about final LibGuides accessibility work; final workshop?
  • Programming: Notes from Lenora, given in absentia:
    • Our informal discussion around online instruction was postponed while awaiting information on the upcoming brown bag session that Curtis organized about online instruction (this Friday at noon). However, our scope is somewhat different, with an emphasis on discussion, and not limited to credit-bearing classes. We would like to proceed with this discussion in the next couple weeks and hope to include people with synchronous and asychronous experiences, as well as Laurent for his experience with in-person instruction during this time.
    • Reading discussion - we considered a reading on the topic of inclusive teaching but might save this theme for an end-of-term program if Melina Ivanchikova, Associate Director for Inclusive Teaching at CTI, or someone else can present or facilitate a program on this topic.
    • Promoting or collaborating on event with IvyPlus RTL (Research, Teaching, Learning): Since the IvyPlus April "Crash Course", Kelee Pacion (Princeton) and colleagues have hosted virtual discussions about online teaching success and failures (May), #BLM and antiracism (July) and Canvas Modules and Libguides (August). Who should be a point person in CUL for sharing these events? Sign up for the e-list here: https://mailman.yale.edu/mailman/listinfo/ivyplusrtl  Kelee indicated that she would start the RTL group back up soon.
  • Message sent by Jeremy to PSEC Instruction list 9/25/20:

Hi everyone,
Just a few updates on subteam leadership and membership after our talk earlier this week.
1.) Several of the groups are a bit shorthanded or have barely enough people to attend their objectives. It may be worthwhile to approach units and ask for at least a few additional members
2.) In the LibGuide group specifically, it was decided that for the time being, Marcie Farwell would remain in the group but Nina Scholtz would become team lead since she has more experience creating LibGuides
3.) For Outreach, whose only present, official member is Chris Miller, with some assistance from me, we either need to find or add at least one more member or else consider my idea of combining Outreach and Programming for 1 semester or 1 year. 
Anyone with any thoughts on this should feel free to let Instruction team overall know. I'm keen to both have groups that have enough people to do their work and also that no one feel out of their depth in membership or leadership of a group (although that said, it's not a terrible way to learn something new to suddenly be put in charge of it, as I can personally attest!).

6.) Piktochart: Jeremy now has licenses for 5 'seats' of which he is the admin. Here is the current listing of members/admins:
    • Jeremy (admin)
    • Reanna
    • (empty 'seat' 1)
    • (empty 'seat' 2)
    • (empty 'seat' 3)
  • To get a Piktochart 'pro' account: From Francis Vital (support@piktochart.com):
    • 1.) Set up a personal account (piktochart.com)
    • 2.) Request a 'Pro' account from Jeremy (jpc27@cornell.edu)
    • 3.) All Team members will need to switch from their Personal to their Team Dashboard via the top right dropdown, as seen here: PRO Team Dashboard
    • Here are some helpful resource articles to get you started:
      1. How to Add Team members
      2. How to Share Visuals for Team members to edit
      3. Getting startedwith Teams
      4. Learn quickly through helpfulVideo tutorial

August 26, 2020 meeting 10:30 am Zoom
Present: Jeremy, Lenora, Christina, Mel, Marcie, Chris, Nina, Kelly, You Lee, Laurent, Lynn

1.) Hello & brief personal check in (introduction: You Lee Chun, Kroch Asia representative)

2.) How's orientation going?

  • Law - some aspects are easier over Zoom
  • Engineering - excellent attendance for FA 20. Orientation sessions filled up and needed to be expanded for increased capacity
  • ILR - FA 20 has been a more limited orientation then previously. Includes orientation video with brief introduction to library staff and Q&A on Canvas. Feels disconnected from students compared to the usual mode of interaction. For grad orientations, students are home and attendance is good.
  • Chris led the RA Orientation this year and used tools in Poll Everywhere (word clouds, surveys, competitions) to help make it fun.

3.) Sub-team reports (esp: goals for this semester, etc.)


  • Marcie will serve as subteam lead
  • LibGuides accessibility deadline of Oct. 31, 2020 is fast approaching
  • Pilot for Canvas LibGuide integration was successful in SP 20 except for some Freshmen Writing Seminars; trying to find work-arounds for these


  • Chris is currently alone on Outreach while Ashley is on leave, but coordinated with Nina to get briefed on previous projects; looked at Instruction pages on CUL website to see if up-to-date


  • Lenora is subteam lead
  • Planning to host drop-in discussion for CUL instruction librarians to share tips about online instruction in next few weeks (Chris noted Sept. 10 Brown Bag regarding teaching online)
  • Also considering reading/discussion on topic related to different learning styles
  • Lenora will check in with Kelee Pacion about follow-up to April IvyPlus "Crash Conference" on research teaching and learning


  • See below

4.) Mel Jensen: The CLIQ survey, 5 years (!) of data, use of the CLIQ survey for at least one more semester

  • Mel is looking at data from 9 semesters and planning to pull into a report by our September meeting; will seek team input at that time.
  • Discussed with Gaby whether it makes sense to continue using CLIQ this semester under current circumstances, and with declining response rate
  • Decided to continue and to promote in hopes of improved use.

5.) Possibility of hosting webinars on online instruction during the semester from library organizations

  • Another idea for programming subteam; could promote one or more webinars and schedule discussion to follow
  • ACRL instruction section is a source to check for training
  • Marcie recommended Teaching with Primary Sources https://rbms.info/tpscollective/

6.) Possibility of having mini-conference with librarians from other institutions to compare notes on instructional work both last semester and this one

  • Could be modeled on RAD meetings in format
  • Possible topic of sharing online tools

7.) Possibility of reviving end-of-semester gathering for instruction staff w/ presentation highlighting online teaching after end of semester

  • How did online teaching go this semester?
  • Programming subteam will consider possible dates; typically right after exams, but that falls late this year
  • Laurent offered to contribute on the experience of in-person teaching this semester

8.) Review of goals

  • Please review subteam goals (in July minutes below and on team charter); let Jeremy know if there should be changes

9.) Next meeting

  • Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 10:30

July 22, 2020 meeting 11:00am Zoom
Present: Jeremy, Lenora, Nina, Kelly, Chris, Mel, Christina, Laurent, Marcie; and guests Linda Miller, Gaby Castro Gessner, and Reanna Esmail
  1. New team leadership and introductions for new members
    1. Jeremy Cusker is 2020-2021 team lead
    2. Ashley Shea is incoming lead
    3. Welcome to Kelly, Laurent, and Marcie, who are new to the team, and to Chris Miller who is returning after a few years
  2. Subteam membership, agendas for subteams
    1. LibGuides: Lynn, Jeremy, Marcie, Nina, Camille
    2. Assessment: Mel, Laurent
    3. Outreach: Chris, Ashley
    4. Programming: Lenora, Kelly
    5. Subteams should find time to meet between full team meetings and select a member as a subteam lead. Review preliminary goals (which have been approved for carrying over into FY21), and notify Jeremy of proposed changes or additions. See annual report for FY20 completed goals and activities, as well as FY21 preliminary goals (also pasted below).
    6. Preliminary Goals for 2020-2021


      • The LibGuides subteam will continue to help LibGuides creators and unit libraries make their new and existing guides compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements by the October 2020 deadline through training and the promulgation of guidance.
      • The LibGuides subteam will investigate the issue with linking/mapping guides to Canvas that appears to involve some Freshmen Writing Seminar course naming conventions and will promote this option with guide authors for the Fall semester.


      • Consult with CUL administrators and Assessment & Planning to determine the type of instruction assessment data required for reporting needs and recommended for broader program planning.
      • Obtain feedback from CUL instructors about how they currently assess their classroom teaching and use that information to guide decision making related to the CLIQ and other assessment initiatives.
      • Report CLIQ results from the five years that it was administered.

      Outreach and Communication

      • Develop a categorization system for the Convene CUL Workshop calendar.


      • Lead discussion-based programming on topics of relevance to CUL instructors and informed by university and library priorities.
      • Facilitate and promote engagement with the Center for Teaching Innovation’s “Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Classroom” course content within CUL.


      • Generate a checklist and primer for new library instructors at CUL.
  3. Alternative future meeting times
    1. Jeremy will review survey results from team members and announce the standing meeting time by email
    2. Update: new meeting time is 4th Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30
  4. Guest: Reanna Esmail gave demo of LibWizard + Piktochart for possible orientation and/or instruction use
    1. Sample tutorials: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/librarytutorials
  5. Guests: Gaby Casto-Gessner and Linda Miller, presented findings of spring 2020 online instruction survey
    1. Will follow up by email for help from the Instruction Team about ways to clarify options in CountIt in order to have a more accurate picture of remote instruction activity going forward
  6. Other Business
    1. Online Orientation
      1. Hoping to have 2-3 synchronous workshops; still waiting for information about dates/times.
      2. Jeremy and Chris will work on communication to solicit volunteers to teach
      3. Chris and Lynn are working on translating the Get Started with Research workshop content into Canvas modules
    2. Next Meeting is Wednesday, August 26 at 10:30

  • No labels