June 24, 2020 meeting 11:00am Zoom
Present: Jeremy, Lenora, Nina, Alison, Julia, Chris, Lynn, Christina, Ashley

  1. Instruction Team membership changes
    1. Lenora's final meeting as chair
    2. Jeremy is 2020-2021 chair
    3. Ashley Shea is incoming chair
    4. Welcome to our incoming members: Chris Miller, ILR rep; Julia Gardner, RMC rep; Kelly Johnson, Vet rep; Marcie Farwell, member-at-large
    5. Many thanks to our outgoing members: Lance Heidig, Heather Furnas, Alison Shea

      2. Follow-up on metrics around online instruction from the spring semester
    1. P&A is designing a survey to get a sense of what instruction was like this past spring after the university transitioned to remote work and will send out on cul-instructors-l
    2. Team provided input on survey language and content

      3. Orientation update
    1. Fall 2020 orientation will be entirely virtual
    2. Canvas site will be used for digital orientation materials
    3. Rethinking workshops
      1. if possible, would like to offer some live orientation workshops (synchronous) for ability to interact with students
      2. idea of designing a certificate program that would start broad and then possibly move to unit level
      3. Chris created ILR virtual escape room for ILR pre-freshman summer program (PSP) students - could all units have some version of this, even if very simple?
      4. Digital assets that could be used beyond orientation: Panopto demo sessions; create modules in in Canvas.
      5. Can we get subscription for Piktochart? Will add to 2020-2021 budget request
      6. idea of an anonymous discussion board for students

      4. Annual report and accomplishments
    1. Report posted in Instruction Team Annual Reports
    2. Kudos for all the great work this year!  

      5. Next meeting Wed 7/22/2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

May 27, 2020 meeting 11:00am Zoom
Present: Alison, Ashley, Lenora, Lynn, Jeremy, Mel, Heather, Christina
  1. Announcements
    1. Faculty town hall with Academic Integrity Hearing Board chairs to gather input for the reopening committees on issues that relate to online instruction. Wednesday, 5/27, 1:30-3:00pm. 
      1. Some Instruction Team members attended; meeting was devoted to sharing and discussing problems related to cheating, primarily through Course Hero and Chegg.com, and exploring possible solutions.
  2. Discussion about online instruction and thoughts about moving forward for summer/fall
    1. What does teaching look like now and how do we collect metrics?
    2. Importance of data so that our stakeholders know we're still available and doing online instruction
      1. Assessment: Analysis of CLIQ data from the last few years has consistently shown that students think there is value in library instruction, but tool assesses immediate reaction to the instruction and not longer term impact on student learning and application of skills. Time to reevaluate its value and application.
      2. With many different potential instruction formats for FA 20, consistent assessment will be challenging
    3. Count It can continue to be used to collect data about how many sessions were offered (which courses, which libraries). Supplemental information might need to be collected through Instruction Coordinators
      1. Could additional metrics be added to Count It to better reflect mode of delivery?
  3. CTI plans for fall; link to their summer offerings/assistance
    1. Will CTI have recommendations for gathering data and assessment?
    2. Christina has reached out to CTI to set up meeting
  4. Update from Orientation Planning group
    1. emphasis on need to prepare for variety of instruction scenarios for FA 20
  5. Get Started Orientation Workshops - how might we adapt for FA 20?
    1. If presented online, consider putting together a toolbox of interactive tools as a substitute for requesting questions on notecards, etc.
    2. Consider an Orientation page consolidating instruction videos and tutorials
    3. Promote some stand alone materials that instructors could put in Canvas, like short videos using Panopto (difficult to get LibWizard into Canvas)
    4. Might other graphic design programs like Pictogram be possible for creating tutorials?
  6. Update from May Public Services meeting with team leads and SMT 
    1. Charter is now on wiki   
    2. Goals will carry over to 2020-2021

Subteam Updates
    • LibGuides:
      • Accessibility work continues, thanks to both regular LibGuides authors/editors and also Wendy Wilcox's team of access services workers
      • Kevin Kidwell and Melissa Wallace will be looking at the set of 'standard errors' (about 15 per page) thrown by most LibGuides and having to do with the basic way our instance of LibGuides and/or SpringShare is structured. Hopefully they or a specific developer can institute a series of 'global fixes' that will address these issues. When examined in aggregate, many libguides have relatively few accessibilty problems via SiteImprove that are the fault of the CUL LibGuides author.
      • There is a page of Accessibility resources useful to anyone here, created by Lynn: https://confluence.cornell.edu/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=instruct&title=Accessibility+Resources
      • We have requested at least 2 additional new members of the LibGuides team. Jeremy will be moving on to become Instruction chair for the coming year but will be continuing to be a member 'ex officio' of LibGuides to assist with their work
      • Everyone is encouraged to tell faculty instructors about LibGuides/Canvas integration: http://guides.library.cornell.edu/canvas
      • We will be having another workshop in June, possibly on just accessibility work overall but perhaps looking specifically at how to use and interpret the SiteImprove and/or WAVE plugins

April 29, 2020 meeting 1:00pm Zoom
Present: Christina, Lenora, Alison, Jeremy, Nina, Ashley, Mel, Lynn, Heather
  •  Announcements   
    • Ashley Shea will defer her year as chair to start July 2021; Jeremy Cusker will serve as chair for 2020-2021
    • Update from Orientation planning group
      • For Fall 2020 Orientation, we need to plan for 3 possibilities: all virtual; in person; or a hybrid
  • Update about COVID-19 Response Instructional Support Team  
  • Updates and Discussion about work of LibGuides subteam and work on accessibility compliance  
      • LibGuides now in SiteImprove. Can give score on accessibility compliance. Overall, guides now at ~76%. Goal is to get them up to 95% compliance.
  • Discussion around current virtual instruction efforts
    • How many new instruction requests have units received since moving to remote instruction?
    • What does instruction look like currently; how has it changed? Is anyone making use of tutorials? Other types of interactions that might qualify as instruction?
    • What ways can we track these other types of instruction activity? (Hold over to May Meeting)
    • Are our current assessment goals around in-person interaction only? (Hold over to May meeting)
  • Next meeting May 27 at 11:00am

March 25, 2020 meeting
(Remote updates provided by members during COVID-19 situation)

    1. March 3 Cornell Online Learning Community panel (Lynn)
      The event began with a "test kitchen" of accessibility tools. This mostly consisted of handouts, but there were a few workstations where individuals could try out making recordings, etc. A student who identifies as deaf/blind presented, through video, her experiences navigating Cornell resources and instruction. Coming from the Rochester Institute for Technology, which specializes in accessible teaching and resources, she has found making the adjustment to Cornell very challenging. Cyrus Vance, from Student Disability Services and Angela Winfield, associate vice president for inclusion and workforce diversity, were also on the panel. It was especially helpful to hear the perspectives of the student, and Angela Winfield, who is blind. On the panel, I spoke about learning to use screenreading software as a way to better understand how to create more accessible content in library guides.

    2. March 9 SLAC meeting (Lynn)
      Only 3 SLAC members attended this meeting, along with Selena, Reanna, Gerald, and me. There was some discussion about what kinds of online learning materials would be helpful, but the students also admitted that they were unlikely to watch videos, or do tutorials and stressed that they want help when they need it. They felt that the Ask a Librarian link should be more prominent on the homepage so that more students we be aware that this is an option for their research questions.

    3.  Report on work of COVID-19 Response Instructional Support Team 

    4.  SubTeam Updates
      1. LibGuides: 
        • Lynn has made a very good video on how to make new LibGuides, both as an instructional aide for some of the CUL staff who may not have experience with it and for all CUL staff making new LibGuides in order to make them accessibility-compliant: https://cornell.box.com/s/s63lbklk25dy9ty98erxv8mskm48oqgn
        • With the current situation, our guidance on integrating LibGuides into Canvas has rapidly moved from 'pilot' to 'production', so to speak. A LibGuide giving instructions on how to do this process (which requires steps to be taken by both the Canvas administrator and the librarian) is here and was sent out to GUIDES-L and to a list of relevant unit representatives as well: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/canvas
        • We are currently investigating whether it is actually necessary to have Admin status to make the Custom Metadata changes in that LibGuide described or whether you can still make them to your own guides as a 'mere' guide Editor.

    1. Unit Updates, including Unit COVID-19 Response efforts
      1. Mann (Mel and Ashley):

        As of March 13, Mann had 34 instruction sessions (including working sessions/course workshops) scheduled for 17 different courses. Each librarian has been in communication with the faculty teaching the course to determine the best method for instruction delivery. In some cases, faculty have decided to delete the associated assignment and, therefore, the instruction or wait until classes resume to assess the needs of their students.

        For those classes still on the calendar, approaches include the following: providing a copy of the Power Point along with detailed slide notes, creating a video (this is being done for the presentations on zines), creating a course guide, providing support through Canvas and using Zoom.

        For a large AEM class (about 300 students) students will most likely receive the content via a recorded Zoom session. Since students would meet with the librarian for smaller working sessions, the tentative plan is to set these up as Zoom appointments.

        The classes providing the biggest challenge are those that were scheduled to use Makerspace services such as the 3D laser printing or video editing. Alternatives are being investigated and it is likely that some assignments might be modified to reflect the challenges of accessing physical materials.

        Ashley is teaching the remaining class sessions of the 1-credit Information Chaos course through a combination of 3 hours of synchronous instruction along with Zoom recordings (already scheduled to record on specific dates/times). Ashley notes that best practices indicate that breaking a 50-minute presentation into 5-minute chunks allows for more accessible discussion. She will be continuing to provide online discussion prompts which is something that she did prior to the cancellation of classes.

        All Mann librarians are using some remote work to review library course and subject guides for currency and accessibility making use of the LibGuides Subteam “cheat sheet.” Mann library staff are also providing support to Mann colleagues for Zoom and Canvas. Some instruction librarians/staff have also increased their hours for LibChat, LibAnswers and virtual reference.


February 26, 2020 meeting
Catherwood 237, 11:00 am
1.Unit news/announcements
    1. a. Aliqae's last meeting - many thanks for all you've done for the Team!
    b. Alison is transitioning to a new position at Law
    1. c. Uris Library Electronic Classroom - CIT has given up control of this room, and there is an opportunity to renovate and to imagine our ideal teaching space - stay tuned!

2. Report from SMT meeting with team leads (Lenora)

3. March 9 SLAC meeting scheduled 5:00-6:30 pm in 703 Olin Library

    • Is someone from the Instruction Team interested and available to attend to describe/answer questions about some of the types of info lit currently happening within CUL?
      • Reanna and Selena likely will attend
      • Students will be given some samples of current CUL info. lit. work to look at in advance, so time together is for for Q&A and to see what further ideas they have
      • Lynn is interested in representing the Instruction Team

4. Primary Source Literacy update

    • On hold until meeting with Tamar to discuss a larger strategy for primary source literacy in general, as well as goals for an initial program
    • Lynn proposed changing language to "archival research" instead of "primary source"

5. Faculty survey; instruction assessment; what information would be useful to us in the future? - postpone until Christina is able to join us

January 22, 2020 meeting

Catherwood 237, 11:00am


1. Announcements/Updates

   a. Welcome to Christina Sheley as our new Director Sponsor 

   b. Unit news

    • Leah Dodd is the new Research Services Lead for Research & Learning Services, Olin & Uris Libraries

   c. Report on January Orientation workshops (1/16)

    • Aliqae had 9 and Jeremy had 7 participants; better turnout than fall orientation workshops when held in September
    • Thanks to Elizabeth Kim for all the help with publicity via quarter cards, posters, CU Events calendar, digital signs in Olin, Uris, Mann, and ILR now, plus day-of sandwich board announcements outside Olin and Mann to catch foot traffic, along with flyers for Mann and Catherwood doors.
    • For Fall Orientation, Lynn suggested looking into doing orientation with RAs

   d. Report on 12/17 (10:00am Mann 160) discussion on reading: Lane Glisson, “Breaking the Spin Cycle: Teaching Complexity in the Age of Fake News”, portal: Libraries and the Academy 19(3) (2019), https://preprint.press.jhu.edu/portal/sites/ajm/files/19.3glisson.pdf

    • Five people came; maybe we can assist with publicity in our own units

   e. Team charge and goals on wiki

2. Primary Source Literacy

   a. Proposed Spring program (Julia, filling in for Lance)

    • Discussed various angles, including introduction to teaching currently happening in this area
    • Christina will seek clarity for direction and goals in the area, both broadly and for a potential program

   b. Possibility of integrating PSL into CUL-wide reference training effort


3. Subteam Updates

   a. LibGuides

    • Continuing accessibility workshops for LibGuides as clinics
    • Requesting system of tagging libguides to indicate that accessibility has been reviewed
    • Recommending taking down all that aren't compliant
    • Canvas integration - trying to get a few courses as samples to run a pilot

   b. Assessment

    • Use of CLIQ has gone down
    • Mel and Alison planning to meet with Danianne 

(December 25 meeting cancelled)

November 27, 2019 meeting

Catherwood 237, 11:00am

Present: Mary, Lenora, Alison, Jeremy, Nina

1. Announcements/Updates

   a. Plans for team director/sponsor after Mary's retirement: Christina will take over as director/sponsor. Mary has met with Danianne and Christina to discuss the changeover.

   b. January orientation workshops – Lenora will seek volunteers to teach two Get Started workshops on Thursday 1/16/2020

        3:30-4:30 Stone Classroom, Mann Library

        4:00-5:00 Computer Lab, Catherwood Library

   c. December meeting – try moving to 12/18 at 11:00 Cancelled!

   d. Course Design Institute: We used to do an information literacy component, but weren’t asked this year. Might be good to reach out to them for the future. Recent practice was to meet with faculty over    lunch with introduction. Mary will try to find Kayla’s PP presentation used in past years. Alison will register

2. Booking rooms/reservations in library classrooms outside their own unit: Please update information if you haven’t already (should this live on the wiki?)

3. Follow up from 11/18 meeting with SMT and team leads

   a. Report from meeting

   b. We have been asked to add primary source literacy to list of literacies covered by the Instruction Team. Concern about full plate of goals for 2019/2020; will continue discussion at January meeting. Jeremy proposed a small-scale presentation such as ASP Engineering Case Studies

   c. Lenora is forming a group to work on the checklist for new instructors and will reach out on instructors-l for others interested in joining

4. Subteam Updates

   a. Programming: Ashley will lead a discussion on Dec 17th on Lane Glisson, “Breaking the Spin Cycle: Teaching Complexity in the Age of Fake News”, portal: Libraries and the Academy 19(3) (2019).

   b. LibGuides – still working on integration, have been talking with Christina and looking at articles. For accessibility compliance work, have created new tag to indicate that a guide has been reviewed – encouraging others to do the same


October 23, 2019 meeting

Catherwood 237, 11:00am

Present: Alison, Ashley, Nina, Lenora, Lynn, Jeremy, Mel, Mary, Aliqae


    1. Announcements and updates:
      1. PowerNotes: new demo not desired right now. 
      2. Alison noted that the CUL ethnographic study (Day in the Life) mentioned notetaking as a venue not recommended for library involvement. 
        1. Under heading "Note-taking is idiosyncratic": https://sr.ithaka.org/publications/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-serious-researcher/
      3. Law Library still investigating.
      4. Whitney Kramer is the new ILR Research and Data Librarian. Has instruction responsibilities.
    2. Booking rooms/reservations in library classrooms outside their own unit
      1. Mann policy: for workshop or course instruction, open options
      2. Three spaces in Mann Library are available to be reserved by CUL instruction staff. Questions about reservations should be addressed to Sandy Conrad -- mann-reservations@cornell.edu  Note that the rooms are heavily used throughout the semester by Mann Library staff, as well as faculty and groups outside Mann Library. 

        1. Stone Classroom (Mann 103) on the first floor of the library -- seating and computers for 26, instructor's station with dedicated computer and option for laptop. Projection equipment and screen. Whiteboards. No key needed.
          Reservations can be made up to 90 days in advance through this website: https://mannlib.cornell.edu/use/spaces/all/stone-classroom

        2. Mann 102 -- in the hallway between the Mann lobby and Warren Hall -- seating for up to 50 -- instructor's station with dedicated computer, but no computers for students. Usual set up of the room consists of rows of chairs. Six tables can be set up for group work. Capable of hosting videoconferencing. Microphones in ceiling. One small portable white board. Key must be checked out at the Help Desk, 1st floor Mann. Reservations can be made online up to six months in advance: https://mannlib.cornell.edu/use/spaces/all/mann-102
        3. Mann 100- in the hallway between the Mann lobby and Warren Hall -- seminar type room with seating for up to 17.  Instructor must bring laptop. Large LCD display. Key must be checked out at the Help Desk, 1st floor Mann. Reservations can be made online up to six months in advance: https://mannlib.cornell.edu/use/spaces/all/mann-100
      3. Two computer classrooms -- B30A (43 seat lab) and B30B (30 seat lab) -- are located in the basement of Mann. These rooms are managed by the CALS Registrar office and are part of the R25 reservation system. These are very difficult to reserve since preference is given to faculty teaching CALS courses, but you are permitted to place a request. Information on creating an R25 account and requesting the rooms: https://cals.cornell.edu/academics/advising/faculty-staff/room-scheduling/ 
      1. Jeremy/Engineering: meeting rooms (Excel classrooms) booked through CIT. Other Carpenter classrooms done through LibCal. Discussion of computer science lab demands for CIT labs.
      2. Catherwood computer lab (233 Catherwood). 
        1. Policy: The highest priority for room use is given to Catherwood and approved ILR instructor-led training sessions. The next highest priority is as an open lab for public computing, especially during the high volume use times between 10 am – 3 pm during the academic year. Other uses may be considered for approval if they do not conflict with the other intended uses. During reserved times, technical support is limited to basic troubleshooting as available. Special software needs at least 2 weeks notice for installation and testing.
        2. Book by sending a request to ilrref@cornell.edu
      3. Hotel and Management: School’s spaces, schools’ labs, managed by schools.
      4. Olin
        1. Our classrooms, Olin 106G and Uris B05, give priority to course-related instruction. Librarians from other units may reserve our classrooms for course-related instruction (the only exception would be if they need the classroom for an entire semester and they have classrooms available in their own buildings).
        2. 106G: LIbrarians can book directly via Outlook; the key can be picked up in 106 during regular business hours. 
        3. Uris B05: Anyone with a Cornell email address is able to schedule the room directly in Outlook as tentative and RLS staff would get a notification to accept or reject your request based on availability. 
        4. Olin 104 (the room behind the reference desk that formerly had housed printers and a plotter) is now a multi-purpose space: instruction, staff meetings, and collaborative study. The room will be reservable via Outlook for Monday-Friday, 8a-5p time slots and via LibCal for evening and weekend reservations by students. The room is equipped with tables and chairs for 12, a large, flat-screen TV for laptop hookup, and several whiteboards.
        5. The CoLab is not one of our regular instruction rooms, so to use this room, special permission would need to be negotiated with Eliza and the co-lab team. Use sparingly. 
      5. Law Library. School spaces. Reserved for Law students
      6. Music: has small lab that seats 12. Could be reserved. Shared with Music Department.
      7. List to share with INSTRUCTORS-L.
      8. Aliqae: will ask folks to confirm instructions/directions.
    1. Instruction Team charge and goals (using template and draft)
      1. Responsibilities
        1. Goals according to evidence of needs
        2. Planning/executing training and learning for CUL instructors
        3. Supporting assessment of CUL instruction across all libraries
        4. Coordinating LibGuides activity and training for CUL
      1. Goals for 2020 (summary)
        1. LibGuides accessibility compliance – meet October 2020 deadline.
        2. LibGuides-Canvas integration exploration, particularly with auto-propagation. 
          1. Pilot as a goal. Important to include participation across libraries for pilot, instead of choosing one or two.
          2. Will require additional support from team or within units.
          3. Communication to course designers about expectations, including in relation to other Guides deliverables.
        3. Programming: Lead discussion-based programming on topics of relevance to CUL instructors and informed by university and library priorities.  
        4. Programming: Facilitate and promote engagement with Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Classroom course content within CUL.
        5. Assessment: obtain feedback from instructors about assessment. Use info for decision-making, from CLIQ and other assessment initiatives.
        6. Similar about how instructors assess classroom teaching.
        7. Outreach: convene discussion to arrive at categorization scheme for CUL instructors.
        8. Generate checklist/primer for new instructors at CUL.
      1. Working practices detailed: meetings, structure, budget, communication
      2. Meeting scheduled in November for team leads and directors
      3. Lenora will tidy draft and send out for another review
    1. Updates
      1. Programming; instruction discussion on Library Anxiety
        1. Conflict in dates – Day of Data announced afterwards!
        2. Planned format more for a larger group
        3. Building community of practice
        4. December 17th next session
      1. Programming: claiming the January former PSEC slot for discussion
        1. Topic and time tbd, 3rd or 4th Wednesday
        2. Time slot up for grabs, for reservation
        3. Subteam will share more info

September 25, 2019 meeting

Catherwood 237, 11:00am

Present: Aliqae, Lenora, Alison, Ashley, Nina, Jeremy, Lynn, Mary
    1. Announcements
      1. Possibility of PowerNotes demo - from Kelley’s time
      2. Knight Writing prospective partner, Kelley had intended to pursue
      3. Nina - assessing for use at Law, knows about new features. Can set up outline.
      4. Kim is interested, as per Nina
      5. Wilson from PN left subscription open
      6. Goal? To bring to users? Nina notes at integrated in writing at Tennessee?
      7. Past questions to still be resolved?
      8. Law as site of exploration? Or direct to Knight?
      9. Chrome and Firefox extensions
      10. Aliqae will find past year documentation and share with team
      1. Plans for next Cornell/Tsinghua webinar
        1. Lenora and Mary working together on Tsinghua webinars
    1. Report on Get Started Workshops; discussion about what to change next year
      1. Numbers very low: 4 classes, 1 with 2, 2 with 0, 3 with 5, 4 with 2 = 9 participants
      2. Off cycle event, no inclusion in central orientation calendar. Known that this was potential consequence, discussed in central orientation planning group.
      3. This year’s process and how it impacted decisions, actions for Get Started
      4. If not included in central promotion, worth reviewing and pursuing alternate promotion venues for next year. Hardly any promotion outside of calendar, some flyers made.
      5. Follow up sessions did not happen, canceled due to no registration
    2. Review of Charge and Goals using new template; seeking team input
      1. Directors created template for public services teams: charge, goals, etc.
      2. Goal: all team documents in place by end of semester
      3. Lenora, Aliqae, and Mary reviewed last year goals draft from annual report, any new requests made, and identifying doable steps that indicate accomplishments
      4. Draft goals and objectives. One is not attached to a specific subteam: creating checklist, guiding documentation for new CUL instructors. Potential inclusion of people outside of the Instruction team. 
        1. Lynn volunteered to join such an effort from a non-new instructor perspective
        2. Nina will see if any at Law are interested
        3. Ashley noted potential inclusion of Selena Bryant as a good candidate
        4. Timeline? End of academic year
        5. Aliqae will be planning orientation for new instructor, will make notes to pass along
        6. Alison mentioned Rachel Holder as potential member
        7. Lenora noted variations in how checklists are applied, overlapping checklists for functional areas
    1. Subteam updates
        1. Guides
        2. Accessibility: extended deadline for remediation, meeting with unit point people, limitations of process 
        3. From Programming check-in: Canvas-Guides integration is important goal, do not want to take bandwith away from that. Guides team is very small right now. Instruction is being asked to how Canvas can happen quickly. Lynn asked about expections. Automatic population? Mary confirmed yes, has had experienced. Relatively straightforward, presence. Need better understanding of what is desired by her. Jeremy noted waiting on working test instance from CIT. Aliqae: 2 parallel: technical and goal. Lynn noted faculty jurisdiction. Mary: quick sketch: ask a librarian box. One page, no tabs, getting to the library. If there is a guide, yes, but otherwise default. Reference to document created by subteam. CTI? Mary can request meeting with all stakeholders: Lenora, Aliqae, Jeremy, Danianne, Lynne, Camille. Prepare meeting with set of questions ahead of time for her. Jeremy noted: CTI has stalled, need it for sandbox, opt-in/out choice, what populates, and faculty perspective. How it relates to librarian guidance and existing guides. Potential talking to UNC. Back to showcase: themes like active learning to focus. 
        4. Canvas document submitted to Danianne 11/18: LibGuides and Canvas Integration Options
        5. Programming:
        6. End of semester showcase idea shared with Danianne, Danianne asked to hold pending goals work, bandwith discussion. Mary met, Danianne is supportive ideas with theme-based approach. Canvas-Guides integration is important goal, do not want to take bandwith away from that. Guides team is very small right now. Instruction is being asked to how Canvas can happen quickly. Lynn asked about expections. Automatic population? Mary confirmed yes, has had experienced. Relatively straightforward, presence. Need better understanding of what is desired by her. Jeremy noted waiting on working test instance from CIT. Aliqae: 2 parallel: technical and goal. Lynn noted faculty jurisdiction. Mary: quick sketch: ask a librarian box. One page, no tabs, getting to the library. If there is a guide, yes, but otherwise default. Reference to document created by subteam. CTI? Mary can request meeting with all stakeholders: Lenora, Aliqae, Jeremy, Danianne, Lynne, Camille. Prepare meeting with set of questions ahead of time for her. Jeremy noted: CTI has stalled, need it for sandbox, opt-in/out choice, what populates, and faculty perspective. How it relates to librarian guidance and existing guides. Potential talking to UNC. Back to showcase: themes like active learning to focus. 
      1. Assessment:
          1. review CLIQ on agenda
          2. Mel reviewing assessment data with Assessment
          3. Mary confirmed that recommendations would be reviewed by Directors and Danianne. Current expectation is that CLIQ is standard for undergraduate course-based instruction, with instructor latitude to use according to conditions
          4. Will be reviewing assessments from Get Started
      2. Outreach
        1. Nina: Expect to see message to instructors-L on update to credit course page!
    1. Next meeting: Oct 23 11am 237 Catherwood

August 28, 2019 meeting

Catherwood 237, 3:30pm

Attendees: Lenora, Mel, Ashley, Lynn, Aliqae, Jeremy, Heather, Nina

    1. Changes to PSEC committee structure (now Public Services) and discussion about effect on Instruction Team
      1. Many potential changes will likely impact the other committees are
      2. Leadership structure (new charge only mentions “lead or co-lead”)
      3. Benefits: share the load, avoids confusion, helps with handover, working with administration
      4. Cons: 3 year commitment!
      5. Committee membership: according to plan, will be worked out with the directors (Danianne’s direct reports)
      6. “At Large”: consider how it is defined, what is role? Group of “leads”
    2. Subteam work
      1. Programming: Aliqae, Alison, Ashley
      2. Assessment: Mel and Alison
      3. Guides: Jeremy, Lynn, Aliqae, Zoe (Camille rotated from Instruction, but continue to invite?)
      4. LibGuides integration into Canvas
        1. Initial report to Danianne in December 2018
        2. Jeremy in correspondence with Canvas administrators 
        3. Opt in vs. opt out
          1. Preferences to opt in, in past and in discussion
      5. New timeline for accessibility remediation October 2020
        1. January work session and others over the year
        2. Note that default guides settings should result in accessible guides, provided that alt-text is provided for images, and headings used in Rich Text.
      6. Outreach: Heather and Nina
    3. Instruction Showcase - proposal for end-of-semester event
      1. Share initiatives, discuss classes
      2. Programming subteam will investigate
    4. Report from meeting with Tamar and Danianne on primary resource literacy
      1. Initial discussion on how we highlight archives/spec collections and primary source literacy in library instruction
      2. Primary sources broadly, or specifically as an artifact
      3. Points of collaboration and next steps
      4. Tamar: potentially starting an Exhibits committee
      5. Public Services meetings: community of practice discussions, have one as primary source discussion
      6. Instruction Team: include in programming ideas
      7. Literacies as learning objectives: what are we looking to achieve and how? Observing limitations/capacities, but idea of purposefully engaging students with special collections
      8. Initial convo, there will be other opportunities for units/individuals to participate!
    5. Get Started workshops; assessment tool
      1. Four workshops scheduled, starting next week
      2. Assessment tool in development
      3. Post-Get Started workshops: “Keep Rolling! with Library Research”: Mel is piloting
      4. Sept 16, 4-5 and Oct 2, 4-5 at Mann Library
      5. Advanced DB searching, retrieving articles, diff between DBs and Google Scholar
    6. Updates and Announcements
      1. Aliqae: please attend candidate presentations for ILR Research and Data Librarian & provide feedback!
      2. Heather: LibWizard is up and running, and Reanna has been creating tutorials. Will be shared with group! Made for A&S advising seminars
      3. Lynn: Noted that Olin and other instruction librarians will be conducting 80+ library workshops for freshman in coming weeks
    7. Next meeting: 25 September, 11am, Catherwood 237

July 24, 2019 meeting 

Catherwood 237

Attendees: Jeremy, Aliqae, Mary, Lenora, Mel, Ashley, Heather, Zoe, Lynn

    1. Welcome new member Ashley Shea, and thanks for agreeing to be incoming chair!
    2. Introductions
    3. About the committee and description of subcommittees
      1. Leadership structure: incoming chair (Ashley), chair (Lenora), outgoing chair (Aliqae). This is the steering group and includes Mary Ochs.
      2. Subteams:
      3. Assessment – coordinates CLIQ and other assessment related topics
      4. Programming – general instruction programming and end of year event
      5. LibGuides Subteam – coordinates LibGuides activity and training for all of CUL, Jeremy is LibGuides administrator
      6. Outreach & Communication – instruction website and workshop schedule in LibCal. 
      7. Sign up for subteam membership using the Subteam Interest Form no later than July 26th (Friday).
    4. Monthly meeting schedule for the year (bring your calendars)
      1. So far, second Wednesday of the month at 10:30 is preferred but there also is a request to move to Tuesday or Thursday mornings.
      2. After discussion, will select a Tuesday at 10am that is not the second Tuesday of the month. Lenora will check with Nina and Alison, and then check in with Aliqae about reserving 237 Catherwood.
    5. 2019 Orientation
      1. Update of orientation group planning.
      2. CUL "Get Started with Library Research @ Cornell" workshops -  9/4 and 9/10 at Catherwood (4:30); 9/5 (4:30) and 9/7 (1:00) at Mann. Thanks to all who volunteered; we have more than enough people to teach these! 
      3. The schedule is an experiment; feedback will inform future Orientation workshop planning
      4. We have lesson plans and powerpoints to share with volunteer teachers.
      5. Discussion of potential follow-up event to Get Started - hum/social sciences/sciences
        1. Interested in exploring - Mel, Lenora, Ashley, could schedule at Mann.
      6. Assessment - consider a follow up survey, paper, what questions do you still have? Potential goal for assessment subteam.
      7. Publicize drop in session - work on your paper, get help
      8. Unit orientation activities report-in
      9. Engineering - connected with advisors, participating in Orientation fair, working with graduate students
      10. Catherwood - undergraduate and graduate orientation, PhD student outreach, standard fall instruction for labor law and advanced writing seminars
      11. Mann - shifting into teaching and research teams, away from indiv listservs, individual new faculty outreach. New student welcome.
      12. Olin - tours on the hour during orientation days. Arts and Sciences advising seminar - weeks 2-5, groups of 10-20. Not scheduling workshops until dates/times. Olin hosting Inside Scoop for grad students, Sept 12 3-5pm. Possibly cocktail lounge.
      13. Fine Arts and Architecture students have tours. Africana and Music will offer. Music grads get very thorough orientation. Idea: nonmajors interested in fields, that would not otherwise get it. 
    6. Goals process
      1. Preliminary goals reported to PSEC in annual report, more discussed in last meeting, but there will be a formal goals process where committees will submit to Danianne for review
      2. Budget process in PSEC tbd, unsure if there will be allocated budgets or request on case-by case basis
    7. Updates and announcements
      1. LibWizard - security issues resolved, creating tutorials, everyone can use. How to coordinate on tutorials?
      2. LibAnswers - instruction queues desired in Olin, could resolve ticketing issues in Olin.
      3. Questions about privacy
      4. Form use - some use, some don’t
      5. Potentially invite Tom?
      6. All are OK with Heather requesting an account for Olin RLS instruction
      7. Cornell-Tsinghua series. Gerald and Danianne interested in video outreach/orientation. Convene a team, charged with creating video modules that are accessible, identify learning objectives of module. How might this fit with A&S requirements, other committee plans. Deliverable timeline - not this orientation! Can be LibWizard, not just video. Group observed time requirements and inflexible nature of video files that are quickly updated. Engineering videos are now hosted on YouTube. Questions about membership. Consensus that it is a good idea, that it could serve the A&S initiative. Potentially look at purchaseable options, no need to reinvent the wheel. Other Universities have great tutorials, especially for more generic questions. Interoperability and simplicity of file formats and platforms are key. Orientation + information literacy? Canvas integration.
    8. Next meeting: Time and date TBD based on poll. Plan is to remain in Catherwood 237
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