26 June 2019


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Notes:
  2. Committee membership changes
    1. Aliqae's final meeting as chair
      1. Outgoing chair (Aliqae) will be notetaker in 2019-2020
    2. Lenora is 2019-2020 chair
    3. Incoming at-large member: Ashley Shea (Mann)
    4. Outgoing at-large members: Tom Ottaviano, Camille Andrews, Latia Ward; outgoing RAU rep: Gaby Castro-Gessner
      1. Thank you for your terrific service to the committee!
  3. Report-back: CUL-Tsinghua webinar
    1. Mary: Consensus from Qualtrix, lots of interesting instructional work. Somewhat long, smaller time slot/fewer speakers in future (won't need as much time for big intro in future?) 8:15am timeslot not ideal, neither is 8:15pm, so timing is challenging. Responses said textbook talk interesting.
    2. Lenora: Ran out of time for Q&A.
    3. In past, asynchronous visits building relationships (specific individuals visiting). One of first attempts to bring relationship down to librarian-to-librarian level. The value is communication/connection.
    4. Proposal: Flipped symposium model. Can pre-record talks ahead of time and just meet to discuss? Possibly better use of time/focusing on librarian connection, but people need to actually watch beforehand.
  4. Public Services annual requirements
    1. Annual report submitted 6/19. We are doing annual reports again. Overview: who is on the committee, what we worked on, status. Asked for preliminary goals (fuzzy at this point as needs to be led by current chair). Preliminary budgeting in reports, but b/c committees did not have budgets in 2018-2019 just mentioned funding for libguide training events.
    2. Preliminary discussion - budget request and goals. Current understanding of next year budget: ad hoc requests based on units and committee project needs. Continuing to do what we're doing, given upcoming changes in collection development may affect group (group expressed we're okay adapting). Seems no longer having standard allocation, so need to plan uses of funding ahead of time, make case, articulate value.
    3. 7 years since Cornell-based instruction immersion program. Many new employees could benefit. Is there a possibility for a "roadshow" (similar to research management roadshow) or if there can be a custom immersion program? Worth focusing on developing teaching skills.
    4. Proposal: Look at 2012 cohort and see who didn't access instructor training at that time. Bring in CTI, quantify how many people would benefit, compare cost of working with CTI vs sending instructors to an immersion. Also given changes in instructional styles, having something more librarian focus.
    5. Heather: went to two two-day CTI institutes, Course Design and Diversity & Inclusion. Found more useful than immersion which was more professional development.
    6. Another approach: ACRL Project Outcome, local conferences. Want to do it as part of conference generally, as opposed to standalone. Would have to be part of regional conference – if that's something we organized for upstate NY.
    7. Zoë: Interest in regional data skills/instruction collaboration around e.g. Data Carpentries, instructor sharing (Dianne and Zoë taught in DH intensive at SUNY Binghamton), data instruction crowd would be interested in collaboration on a regional instructor training likely.
  5. Orientation
    1. Summary of orientation group planning.
      1. CUL-wide tent by Sage Chapel open during both sessions: Friday 12-4 (or 10-4?), Saturday 10-12. Haven't decided on staffing yet.
      2. Early conversations about swag and handouts.
    2. Workshops: 9/4 and 9/10 at Catherwood (4:30); 9/5 (4:30) and 9/7 (noon or 1) at Mann
      1. Post-orientation workshops on calendar part of highly-coordinated shared schedule. Skips labor day weekend. It's an experiment: produces numbers, feedback to inform future orientation planning. Strong numbers last year, but huge lift. Lenora will be recruiting folks for workshops.
  6. Subteam reports
  7. News and announcements
    1. Ashley got report approved for CALS: Information Chaos: Navigating Today’s Information Landscape. Open to all CALS.
    2. Zoë: Social Science Data Librarians have been meeting. Working towards more collaboration on instruction + ref. More soon.
    3. Heather: Teaching a series of workshops with incarcerated students. Because of limited access, teaching research skills and providing offline access. In fall, teaching a credit course with Cornell students who will partner with incarcerated students, gather resources on their behalf. Training with Cornell students. Success getting JSTOR index offline to use, next request to get PubMed. (Doing complete analog and digital delivery at the same time!) Thinking about the core skills to teach, using more play & active learning techniques to learn library skills, appropriate for prison given limited resources.
    4. Heather: Another LibWizard trial. Not broken! Things fixed in 2.0, available for us to demo. Guide on the Side moving to a paid model, now called Sidecar. Another option. Provide feedback to Heather.
    5. Alison: Continuing on another year with CountIt another year - trying to figure out how to move forward with a replacement for CountIt right now. July 15th, make sure CountIts in for past year.
    6. BEE, new director coming July 15th.
    7. Search for entry level data librarian position at ILR.
    8. Thank you Aliqae!!!!
  8. Next meeting: Wednesday, July 24 at 11am in Catherwood

4 June 2019

Attendees: Lenora, Aliqae, Nina, Gaby, Alison, Jeremy, Mary, Camille, Tom, Zoe 

    1. Housekeeping

      1. Notes: Camille

    2. CUL-Tsinghua webinar series: Instruction discussion 6/11

      1. Group charged by Gerald to plan externally focused webinar series ~6 months ago with Tsinghua about global impact of libraries; Tsinghua mostly wanted exchange with Cornell on 6-7 topics (more of a sister libraries conversation); Mary and Ai Hong (sp?-Tsinghua colleague) organized this first one; Lenora helping coordinate future webinars and volunteers welcome

      2. Issues: 12 hour time difference and date conflicts; potential tech difficulties   

      3. First one scheduled for 6/11 on information literacy in Mann 160 from 8:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Cornell speakers: Gerald (welcome); Mary (moderating); Aliqae (general IL); Ashley (new CALS IL course); Heather (A&S orientation)

      4. Brief intro; 20 min presentation/panel for each side; 20 min Q&A (questions via webinar, Mann mic set up, not sure about Tsinghua’s set up for questions)

      5. All in English (slides sent into advance and translated into Chinese)

      6. Possibly recorded and shared if Tsinghua agrees; Mary will ask

      7. Possible questions-comparable associations and frameworks; IL standards at secondary and post-secondary level; potential controversial issues and how to handle

      8. Next topic: TBD

      9. Possibly external facing webinar on collaboration on this series

    3. Committee charge and coordinated call and committee membership

      1. Draft in consult with Danianne: The Public Services Instruction Team provides leadership for library-wide instruction initiatives, and supports CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information and related literacies (data literacy, visual literacy, media literacies), by serving as a clearinghouse for information, facilitating a community of practice, and partnering with other groups on initiatives and projects of shared import.

      2. Changes approved by Danianne with addition of calling out specific other literacies; also change to Public Services Instruction Team (not PSEC)

      3. Coordinated call open until June 12

      4. Next meeting is last meeting of current roster

      5. Lenora incoming chair and call for next incoming chair in future meeting

    4. Orientation workshops

      1. No Barton orientation & postponing workshops after move in days and general CU orientation

      2. Questions: dates, locations (often dependent on getting larger rooms), facilitators, challenges in the past

      3. Aliqae will send email asking for feedback; aiming to get them on calendar by end of month

      4. Classes start Thurs 8/29th (wide fluctuation in attendance in post-instruction start workshops); Also what are students doing Mon, Tues, Wed of that week? ILR doing tours on Tuesday

      5. Orientations often basic info finding and orientation to library; not tied to physical library. Do we have to do them in library? Can we go to wherever they are?

      6. Open houses (not sure what is happening with those right now) - promote other workshops and events there as well

      7. New Student Block party confirmed with Margherita Fabrizio (Aug 30 from 4-6 in Balch courtyard; button making and handing out workshop advertisements and library maps); Camille did last year-high attendance and will need a couple of volunteers for this year

    5. Subteam reports

      1. Assessment

        1. Final CLIQ call sent out for spring

        2. Mel Jensen (former head of public services at Kent State) will be taking over assessment

        3. Gaby’s last meeting and thanks for long service

      2. LibGuides

        1. LibGuides audit working session tomorrow June 5 from 2-3:30 in Catherwood 233a

      3. Programming

        1. End of year event covered by universal design events at Career Development Week

      4. Outreach and communication

        1. Last fall asked to look at categories in CUL workshops calendar

        2. Calendar-specific categories: Blue (unassigned), citation management (pink), data & GIS

        3. Admin categories that can apply to all categories: makerspace (public, non-CUL, private; yellow, turquoise and brown) and video (red)-available to all calendars

        4. Audience categories-e.g. faculty (rarely used)

        5. Internal tags and secondary level categories available as well

        6. Olin, Uris, Mann using; Catherwood using (but mostly for ILR students); Law (set up separate Prepare to Practice 2019 calendar for internal 1L course sections; not public facing); Management uses another system; other units not offering public facing

        7. Categories not consistent-recommendation: consistency is key; outreach team next year should bring together small group actively using categories to pull together cross-unit list; answer questions such as: Do we need Audience tags? Any internal tags necessary? How to handle upkeep of new categories? Possibility of using separate calendars more aggressively (100 calendars & only using ~10)?

        8. Report will be completed and sent to PSEC Instruction

    6. Unit announcements and updates

      1. Two positions open at ILR; feel free to advertise

    7. Next meeting: June 26 (possible ALA and LOEX report outs)

24 April 2019

Attendees: Lynn Thitchener, Lenora, Aliqae, Nina, Gaby, Alison Shea, Jeremy Cusker, Mary Ochs, Heather Furnas, Mel Jensen, Camille Andrews, Latia Ward

  1. Housekeeping

    1. Minutes: Jeremy
  2. Committee charge (to tweak as needed, share with Danianne for feedback)

    1. Current: Provide leadership to CUL in its commitment to effective instruction and comprehensive information literacy, through providing professional development opportunities, planning for allied initiatives, and advising CUL on strategies and goals.
      b. Question: What are 'allied initiatives'? Much uncertainty. 

    2. Other committee charges can be viewed at https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/culpsec

    3. Agreed to send proposed changes to Danianne prior to engaging in much revision ourselves 

  3. Coordinated call (current memberships): 

    1. Confirm unit reps for next year by May Instruction meeting (exception BEE)

    2. At-large terms expiring: 3/5 beginning in 2017

    3. Many existing groupings no longer accurate/applicable
    4. Specific responsibilities of at-large members, incoming chair and current chair positions
    5. Units should discuss this within themselves
    6. PSEC Instruction's own coordinated call request: At most, one new member. Usually have more applicants than spaces. 
    7. At same time: PSEC Instruction membership quite large and not necessarily enough 'work' to require it
  4. Orientation

    1. Some changes at Cornell level announced regarding orientation day; Danianne gathered group to discuss this. No more Barton Hall move-in day event. Trying to spread events over 2 days. Some of that work to be done at dorms and in other locations (TBD). Need to get dates on central calendar by 2 weeks from now; Tobi Hines working on Communications fellowship with some recommendations. 
    2. Also: Open House being proposed by orgs normally present at Barton Hall orientation event. Friday and Saturday events. Generally agreed-to, but will take some planning for the Saturday. Replace some of the functionality of the Barton Hall event. Zsuzsa agreed that we could indeed do this. 
    3. Do traditional workshop calendar, but move back one week so as not to counterprogram against this.
    4. Attendance at workshops much higher before classes start, so goal is to get them in as soon as possible. Goal = form a smaller group to work through some of these details. May 16 = deadline for central schedule events.
  5. Subteam updates

    1. ADA compliance webinar today
  6. Next meeting: 22 May (Aliqae needs to reschedule)

    1. Aliqae stepping down as chair, Lenora as incoming chair, looking for new incoming chair

27 March 2019


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Minutes - Tom
  2. Announcements and updates 
    1. LibWizard is deadskies 

    2. Heather going to LOEX - May 9-11

      1. No individual membership fee to LOEX! (Institutional membership) - Tight cohort.  Conference well-regarded by Cornellians who have attended.

    3. Library staff involved in the accreditation process (for Middle States).  Heather, Danianne and Gaby are involved in 3 of the standards.

    4. Teaching and Learning Librarian at Mann - In-person interviews on April 15, 22 and 29

    5. BEE in-person interviews are complete - in post in-person interview phase

    6. Access Services Director is in reference checking phase

    7. General discussion of PSEC and committee work on campus.  PSEC Committees are available on Staff web (sharepoint About Us - Staff - linked from here: https://www.library.cornell.edu/about/staff… it is somewhat out of date) & in Confluence @ confluence.cornell.edu/display/culpse

      1. Committees outside of PSEC tend to be in their own places (for example on their own wikis).  Hard to get a full picture.

  3. Subteam reports
    1. LibGuides - Monday April 1, 9:30 - 11:30 in CoLab Space - Training session for accessibility.  Half Presentation, half-co-working. Demo of Screenreading technology (Devin).

      1. Bring your laptops (Olin Library 107)

      2. Questions about the Accessibility deadline

      3. Will panopto still be used in Canvas? (the guess is yes… will look to confirm this)

      4. Lynn creating tips - may look to formalize the sharing of this information. Use cul-guides-l

      5. They are flexible in how they support the library in working towards accessibility

    2. Programming

      1. May - Creating a community of practice for first-year instruction (based on Heather’s report about support for the first year program in A&S)

      2. Diversity programming a target for 2019-2020

      3. Aliqae will look into funding for these sessions.

    3. Assessment - No Updates
    4. Outreach and Communication - Information Gathering phase

      1. Who is the campus contact for LibCal? - Not sure (Rob Kotaska, Sara E. Wright, Tobi Hines are possibilities)

  4. PSEC end of year event - 
    1. LFSC - 3rd week of May; another event in the second week of May.  Focus on encouraging people to attend these events, and doing something to support these events. 
    2. Follow-up Event - Conversations/break-out discussions; Web Accessibility; Instruction (teaching in diverse classrooms); Library spaces.  Less formal than the other two talks.   
  5. Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Classroom online class
    1. Positive impressions of the course.  Seems to be some taboo about having too many people enrolled.  That's not the case at all.  If you're interested, enroll!
  6. Next meeting: 24 April

27 February 2019

Attendees: Aliqae, Jeremy, Nina, Lenora, Mel, Mary, Tom, Gaby, Heather

  1. Housekeeping
    1. Minute-taker: Heather
    2. February PSEC meeting canceled. See committee/unit updates here.
  2. Announcements and updates
    1. Heather: LibWizard demo did not work out for security reasons; pursuing other options including working with CIT and other software (Guide on the Side)
    2. Teaching & Learning Librarian at Mann search happening
  3. LibGuides Audit & Accessibility Compliance plan: LibGuides Audit & Accessibility Compliance
    1. Point person for each unit
    2. Focus on audit first half of year; compliance second half of the year
    3. Once finalized, all communication sent out via list
    4. Jing no longer compatible with screencast.com 
      1. Compliant screencasting software? 
      2. ER&L Conference: Captioning Screencasting session on March 6 simulcast
  4. PSEC End of Year Event meeting
    1. There *will* be an event, coordinated by the three committees (Liaison, R&O, Instruction). Loose theme/s: accessibility, student experience. Some possibilities were generated in discussion with Danianne (outside speakers, student panels)

    2. Next step to form a working group comprised of folks from the three committees to run with it. On our end, that will be this subteam. Tobi and Erica/Henrik will be identifying their reps, in place within the next couple of weeks.

    3. There is definitely space to request funding for an outside speaker, and Danianne is investigating how much administrative support she can offer for things like arranging for lunch.

  5. Subteam reports
    1. Assessment (2017-18 stats)
      1. Consider rewriting the question for the CLIQ to get higher numbers of instructor participation in the ClIQ
    2. LibGuides
      1. Good progress in the audit for some units
    3. Outreach and Communication- no updates, meeting next week
    4. Programming
      1. Article read Brown Bag? Or perhaps a LOEX/ ACRL brown bag? 
  6. Next meeting: March 27

1 February 2019

Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/119525481 

Attendees: Aliqae, Alison (minutes), Camille, Danianne, Gabby, Heather, Jeremy, Lenora, Lynn, Mary, Mel, Nina, Tia, Tom, Zoe

  1. Housekeeping
    1. Welcome Danianne!
  2. PSEC Structure and Instruction Committee (Danianne)
    • Still working on formulating the best structure for committees moving forward - instruction is vital so will remain, but there may be changes regarding how it is configured within other groups (i.e. PSEC, liaisons, etc.)
    • What's working? 
      • Having an LDLT member of the committee as a direct report to Danianne
    • What are we still waiting to learn?
      • Tobi's fellowship with Communication on orientation will be helpful in guiding future work, especially considering that the next experience students have with the library after orientation will generally be through instruction
      • Collection Development Task Force will provide guidance on how liaison work affects selection
    • What's happening now?
      • End of the year event meeting will be set up to discuss this year's event - Danianne will look towards focusing on the student experience
      • Currently working with the Center for Teaching Innovation on how to incorporate LibGuides into Canvas - will work on developing a template across subjects
      • First cohort of library staff attending CTI's "Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Classroom" training - participants will help integrate diversity and inclusion into the entire CUL workflow, including instruction.  Further opportunities to participate in this training will most likely be available.
      • Danianne will be meeting with Sandy Payette to develop an ecosystem map for public service expertise across CUL
    • When is change coming?
      • It's coming!  Currently working to take everything into account as we move to PSEC 2.0
    • Questions/discussion
      • Wellness is a common theme - how can the library contribute to soft skills development, such as "adulting skills", financial literacy.  What are students lacking?  Who's already doing this?
  3. January orientation workshops and activities report-back
    • Aliqae, Chris Miller and Alison taught 12 students during 2 January orientation sessions
    • Olin - Humanities immersion had 18 participants in their January session, a second session is being planned for May
    • Engineering - Scientific Scholarship immersion program had 45 people, very successful
    • Mann - Life Sciences immersion program had 15 participants, had to boost attendance by asking registered participants to bring a friend
  4. CLIQ update (Assessment subcommittee)
    • Reminder: don't forget to distribute and record evaluations!
    • Consider moving to a targeted semester model to help increase participation and capture accurate data?  Or do we talk about retiring it all together?
      • Maybe not - CALS requested assessment data for accreditation, maybe talk to CTI about how process of collection can be improved?
  5. LibGuides Audit & Accessibility Compliance Recommendations (LibGuides subcommittee)
    • Have a look at audit linked above!  LibGuides subcommittee will report on this at February R&O
  6. Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Classroom online course and CUL cohort
    • Skipped due to time and previous discussion in Danianne's comments
  7. LibWizard trial (Heather)
    • Tool can be used for many purposes, but Heather is most interested in the tutorial builder and assessments - allows you to build an interactive tutorial that can run with a live website next to it
    • Accessible via the main Springshare dashboard, but trial may have ended?
    • Benefit of this tool over others is its ability to allow users to engage with a live website - see UNebraska for examples
    • Can be used for flipped classroom models
    • Q: What kinds of tutorials could we create that could benefit all of CUL?  One potential problem of developing CUL tutorials now is that catalog will be changing in Summer 2020
  8. Announcements and updates (please add unit or other announcements prior to meeting)
    1. HLM: Wesley Chenault started in January as new Kheel Center Director. Sara Palmer will be leaving us in mid-February. Aliqae & Suzanne will be taking over liaison and selection for A&S Economics from Nancy Skipper.
  9. Next meeting: Feb. 27

17 December 2018


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Danianne would like to attend our January or February meeting, but has conflict with standing meeting. Reschedule one OK?
      1. Update: January meeting rescheduled to 2/1
  2. Announcements and updates
  3. PSEC meeting report-back
    1. Framework: Committees/Communities of Practice/Task Force/Response Team/Service Owner
    2. "What is the minimum engagement that will yield the right outcomes"
    3. Standing committees of PSEC
      1. Access Services: Director with representative committee
      2. PTAC: Director of Access Services, likely shift to short-term groups for issues
      3. R&O transitioned to Programming and Training group for valued Forum work
        1. Orientation being reviewed by Tobi in fellowship
      4. Liaison Steering: model is success, continue to onboard. Discontinue as standing committee, may continue as community of practice or part of a reference/research group
        1. Note that Liaison/Selector role being examined as part of CD task force
      5. Instruction
        1. Complex, can't see it not having a group, but deserves more thinking and discussion
    4. PSEC: Less of "EC", than opportunity to discuss themes F2F. Monthly meeting, determine attendance by topic.
    5. Call to participation will still continue
  4. Subteam reports
    1. Assessment
      1. CLIQ data solicited from fall semester, as per email to coordinators
    2. LibGuides
      1. LibGuides-Canvas integration document submitted to Danianne
      2. Working on accessibility compliance/audit recommendations
    3. Programming
      1. Will be considering programming options for spring. 
    4. Outreach and Communication
      1. Reaching out to units on use of LibCal for workshop scheduling
  5. January orientation workshops
  6. Next meeting: January 23 February 1

24 October 2018

Attendees: Aliqae, Zoe, Lynn, Heather, Nina, Mel, Tom, Tia, Jeremy

  1. Housekeeping
  2. Announcements and updates
    1. ILR Dean will be new College of Business Dean
    2. Law Library Director search in progress
    3. Kheel Center Director search in progress
  3. PSEC committee meeting with Danianne
    1. PSEC plans to be announced November
    2. Proposed goals/ongoing initiatives discussed
      1. Review and revise orientation workshop curriculum. Small task force formed to look at lesson plans and solicit feedback from workshop instructors and make recommendations. 
        1. Hold; defer to CUL orientation review discussions; will have opportunity to provide feedback/info
      2. Create web accessibility guidance and templates for units and staff working with LibGuides. 
        1. Specific recommendations requested regarding Canva integration (direct to Danianne), guides audit (LDLT), and accessibility compliance (LDLT)
      3. Harness recent Online Learning Module Task Force recommendations to identify necessary resources for instructional design needs and update existing patron website guidance.
        1. Hold
        2. Encourage individuals/units to discuss with Danianne
      4. Continue/complete last year's efforts to build checklist of resources and background for instruction coordinators and supervisors to onboard new CUL library instructors.
        1. Proposal requested, to be reviewed by LDLT
      5. CLIQ
        1. Continue as established; D requested further information
  4. Subteam reports
    1. Assessment
      1. CLIQ reminder sent out to instruction coordinators
    2. LibGuides
      1. working on Danianne's requests
    3. Programming
    4. Outreach and communication
      1. Planned workshop calendar workflow, will review current practices
  5. Next meeting: 28 November

26 September 2018


  1. Housekeeping
    Danianne suspended the formal PCEC meeting for September in order to meet individually with PSEC committee chairs and outgoing chairs to go over goals, budgets, etc.
    Aliqae is scheduled to meet with Danianne on October 5

    Announcements and updates
    Olin/Uris RLS: Instructors have experienced problems with the projection monitors in the Uris Classrooms. They are getting past their useful life, but as Cornell IT is relinquishing control over that space, they, IT, will not be replacing them. Stay tuned for updates.
    Arts & Science Advising Seminar, library instruction sessions have begun.

    ILR:  The ILR school is undertaking a curriculum review. Recommendations coming out this fall. 
    Second round of interviews for Kheel Center Director position have begun.

    Mann: Mann has hired a new, part-time librarian for systematic reviews.
    Mann also hired a new Reference Assistant, starting October 5th.

    Law: Interviews for new director have been completed. Feedback due on Friday, September 28th.

  2. Subteam reports
    1. Assessment
      Camille reports that the library assessment email will be sent to instruction coordinators, along with the CLIQ.

    2. LibGuides
      Jeremy is the Administrator/liaison with Springshare and has accepted the leadership role on the LibGuides subteam. In terms of the goals, we will be focusing on meeting accessibility benchmarks as outlined in WCAG 2.0. As part of that effort, we will share a LibGuides accessibility cheat sheet with all LibGuide authors.

    3. Programming
      Would like to poll the rest of the PSEC instruction team for ideas. One thought is to focus on assessment models and current trends in assessment.

    4. Outreach and communication
      The subteam will rotate responsibility for meeting facilitation. Nina will be the point-person. In terms of goals, will take on "marketing support" for workshops, but would like to hear thoughts from the full Instruction Committee.

  3. CUL Workshops calendar and instruction page
    1. Calendar
      1. links to unit calendars: to review
        Libcal has a system level which could write to all calendars.
      2. Proposed: unified color-coding/categorization of events by topic or theme
        Is there a central categorization scheme, for example, for color-coding similar types of workshops? If we use color-coding, or some other coding scheme by category -- e.g., all of the citation management workshops or all of the mapping workshops –  is there a way to put in a legend explaining the coding?
    2. Instruction page
      1. Proposed: cancellation statement
        "Workshop instructors reserves the right to cancel the workshop if attendance is low." This wording may sound a little unfriendly. In general, if attendance is low, instructors will content registrants to offer a private consultation.  Since most unit libraries are not receiving instruction requests from the central instruction request form, it may not be necessary to add this wording. 
      2. Proposed: links to videos/alternate materials
        General agreement that it might be nice to add this content to that page.
      3. review of instruction request form. Heather Furnas asked if we could add wording to the central instruction request form to ask requestors to attach their syllabus? This raised the question of which libraries use this form and it appears that only Olin is.

  4. Goals review - tabled until Aliqae has met with Danianne. 
    1. Goals/budget request submitted
      1. Budget request: $600 for programming, $1500 for information literacy travel award to attend Immersion
      2. Goals:
        • Review and revise orientation workshop curriculum. Small task force formed to look at lesson plans and solicit feedback from workshop instructors and make recommendations.
        • Create web accessibility guidance and templates for units and staff working with LibGuides.
        • Harness recent Online Learning Module Task Force recommendations to identify necessary resources for instructional design needs and update existing patron website guidance.
        • Continue/complete last year's efforts to build checklist of resources and background for instruction coordinators and supervisors to onboard new CUL library instructors.
  5. Orientation materials review update
    Taskforce: Heather, Alison, Gaby, Mel, Tobi and Lenora will schedule of series of three meetings to review Orientation materials.

  6. Next meeting: 24 October

22 August 2018

Attendees: Aliqae Geraci, Camille Andrews, Gaby Castro, Heather Furnas, Mary Ochs, Nina Scholtz, Lynn Thitchener, Alison Shea, Zoë Wilkinson Saldaña, Tia Ward.

1. Housekeeping: Mel Jensen note-taker.

2. Announcements and updates:

a. Heather Furnas announced Advising Center for A & S offering a one-credit course for first year students. 33 sections. 10 students per section. Work closely with faculty. Geared toward 1st Generation students. Focus of course is increased awareness of campus services. One session of the course to be devoted to information literacy. Olin/Urich librarians to teach sessions this semester. Next year course will be required of all A & S students. Will need help from other libraries to teach – large number from biological sciences anticipated. Information literacy curriculum still being developed. 

b. Gaby reported that programming requests are being taken for the Portal which will be on campus until November 1.

3.  Orientation workshops: materials review

Aliqae is following up on some scheduling/calendar issues that have occurred this year with the workshops; collecting additional feedback and forming a small task force to evaluate orientation materials for next year. Email Aliqae if interested. 

She noted that there will be a small task force formed to update orientation materials before next year – email Aliqae if interested in joining that group. Those who taught an orientation workshop this year are encouraged to share changes that were made to the lesson plan and/or approaches that worked well this year. Noted that this Fall,Tobi Hines, from Mann, will be doing a fellowship in Assessment focusing on reviewing the library’s involvement in orientation.

4.  Subteam work. Assignments finalized. 


Assessment: Camille, Gaby, Aliqae

Outreach & Communications: Tom, Nina, Tia

Programming: Alison, Heather, Lenora

Guides: Zoe, Jeremy, Lynn, Aliqae, Mel

Next steps: Meet/discuss goals for coming year to share with larger group. Appoint a point person for the sub-team. As projects arise at the larger group meetings, they may be assigned to a sub-team for follow up and action.

5. Goal setting for 2019. PSEC goals are due in September. Some ideas for initial goals include:

a.  Making sure that all library guides conform to accessibility guidelines.

b.  Reviewing orientation materials.

c.  Identifying resources that are needed to enhance instructional design and technology aspects of instruction.

d.  Producing more student-friendly video clips to accompany the written narrative on the CUL Introduction to Research web page.

Alison suggested creating an overview of CUL instruction that would be particularly useful to new librarians and would cover topics such as workshop development, a list of experts in different subjects relating to instruction, collaboration between library units, etc.

It was noted that there is interest at the administration level in reviewing PSEC procedures overall. Something similar is in the works for collection development team.

Also noted that it is important to make sure that the PSEC wiki is current and to archive documents in order to maintain institutional history.

6. Budget request for this year is also due.

Last year only $600 of the $1200 requested was spent, primarily because money was not awarded for an IL travel grant. One idea for the current year would be to use some of the budget money to pay for registration for someone to attend LOEX. Another option would be to cover some expenses for the PSEC Instruction chair or incoming chair to attend ACRL Immersion if they have not already done so.

Some of the money also goes toward the end-of-semester events – even though those costs are shared between committees. Money could be used toward an honorarium for an external speaker at one of the events.

7.  Next meeting: 26 September, 11am, Catherwood 237


July 11, 2018 meeting 

Catherwood 237

Attendees: Jeremy Cusker, Aliqae Geraci, Gaby Castro (note-taker), Mary Ochs, Tom Ottaviano, Lenora Schneller (all the way from the Austrian Alps!), Nina Scholtz, Alison Shea, Zoë Wilkinson Saldaña.

  1. Welcome new members!
  2. Introductions
  3. About the committee and description of subcommittees
    1. Leadership structure: incoming chair (Lenora), chair (Aliqae), outgoing chair (vacant - because of Kelly LaVoice's departure).  This is the steering group and includes Mary Ochs.
    2. Subteams:
      1. Assessment - coordinates CLIQ and other assessment related topics
        1. Gaby ongoing liaison
      2. Programming - general instruction programming and end of year event
        1. Lenora ongoing membership
      3. LibGuides Subteam – administers and coordinates Springshare account for all of CUL.
      4. Outreach & Communication – instruction website and workshop schedule in LibCal. 
    3. Sign up for subteam membership using this Subteam Interest Form, no later than July 20th (Friday).
  4. Monthly meeting schedule for the year (bring your calendars)
    1. Aliqae will send a doodle poll for us to select best times.  So far, second Wednesday of the month at 10am, 10:30 and 11am are possibilities.
  5. 2018 Orientation  - Dates:  8/17 (Friday), 8/18 (Saturday) and 8//22 Wednesday
    1. The Library is a partner in the Cornell-wide Orientation Group "new student program" and we are assigned specific days to conduct our workshops.  The library workshops appear in the CU-wide promotional materials, and are separate from the college-specific orientation activities that also happen around the same time.
    2. CUL workshops - please sign up here to volunteer: https://cornell.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cCKfBhxOHHIgfR3.  We have created lesson plans and powerpoints to share with volunteer teachers. Workshops occur at Mann, Olin and Uris Libraries. Anticipate a debrief on how the workshops went later in August or September.
      1. Introduction to Academic Libraries in the United States (2 sessions - one Friday, one Wednesday)
      2. Getting Started with library research at Cornell (6 sessions - 2 on Friday, 2 on Saturday, 2 on Wednesday)
    3. Unit orientation activities report-in
      1. Every college/unit holds different orientation activities.  Here's a sample of some of them:
        1. ILR - all students get a tour, specific programs get a hands-on orientation
        2. Law - 8/6 - 8/8 - tour and orientation, plus credit-bearing courses
        3. Dyson - 4 events for students that include 30 mins intro to the library.  Also an orientation from JCB for new faculty on 8/17
        4. CALS - 9/4  New student welcome in Mann Lobby.  Also conduct "inside scoop" for Grads in September, plus workshops  throughout the semester
        5. ENG - 8/22 meet and greet, and as needed/requested sessions.  Expect makerspace orientation as well
        6. Music - Orientation for Grad students, but will offer some on-demand tours for UG (based on UG survey comments!!) (smile)
  6. Goals process
    1. Goals reported to PSEC, possibly due end of August/early September
    2. We will discuss this more, but please think more about this.  One possible topic is the "certificate" for workshops (Olin RLS is considering this as a pilot).  More details forthcoming.
  7. Updates and announcements
    1. Portal soft launch 8/23.  Arrival anticipated 8/8  http://guides.library.cornell.edu/portals
    2. Tableau Workshop for staff on 8/1 (Zoë) in Uris Library. More details forthcoming.
    3. Certificate for workshops – Olin RLS?
    4. Law Library - new Director of Administration, Sabrina Sondhi (Amy Emerson's replacement).
    5. ILR - 2 new reference staff  - Sara Palmer (full time reference assistant); Joe Hull (part-time reference assistant). Kheel Director job reposted.
    6. Mann Library instruction - Mel Jensen and Ashlea Shea will be the new instruction coordinators.  Mel lots of teaching experience; Ashley on CALS curriculum committee.
    7. Invite Danianne Mizzy (new AUL) to our meeting in Aug or September.  Aliqae will follow-up with Angie.
  8. Next meeting:  Location will be in Catherwood 237.  Time and date TBD based on doodle poll.
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