Static Hosting Architecture

Static Hosting runs on a pair of Managed Servers and utilizes High Availability options with the Hardware Load Balancer to provide a fault tolerant service that is capable of surviving the loss of either the Rhodes or CCC data centers.  Network, storage, and OS is located in independent locations and data is synchronized every 15 minutes between the two locations.

Under normal operating conditions all Static Hosting services are provided by the server "idstatic01" that is housed in Rhodes Hall.  In the event that "idstatic01" becomes unavailable all HTTP/HTTPS traffic will be automatically routed to the CCC backup server "idstatic02".  While the backup server is handling traffic no updates may be performed via webdav.  Once service is restored to idstatic01 all HTTP/HTTPS traffic will be automatically routed back to the Rhodes primary server and webdav service will be restored.  In the unlikely event that Rhodes Hall becomes unavailable for an extended period of time it is possible to manually promote the CCC server to become the primary server and enable webdav service for updates. 

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