-Nassib says that for metadb, the tables are only streamed if and when they have data

 When there is a new tag for folio-analytics (such as https://github.com/folio-org/folio-analytics/tree/v1.7.6 or https://github.com/folio-org/folio-analytics/tree/v1.7.7)
will a new tag for metadb be created that includes the updated analytics version?

 Hi @nassib - Per the question @Carole Godfrey poses above, we are trying to develop best practices for staying up-to-date on the metadb software releases and the folio-analytics software releases. If new versions of the metadb software are bundled and released with the latest versions of the folio analytics software, we just need to stay up-to-date on the metadb software releases. It's not clear if that is what is happening, however.Would you please advise us on best practices for keeping both metadb and folio-analytics up-to-date?
 At the moment the versions are tied together.  The intention is to make the folio-analytics version configurable.  For now the only option is to run a recent stable release of Metadb, and that will determine the version of folio-analytics. 
 When a new tag is created for folio-analytics, it will typically be used in the next Metadb release.
 Okay, @nassib. Thank you. That's helpful to know. When you say "recent stable release of Metadb," does that mean the most recent tagged version listed here?https://github.com/metadb-project/metadb/tags  (YES)
 Not including beta releases.

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