For reference only - This has not needed to be done in recent upgrades.

If SSO login attempts return an HTTP 500 or other error message you will need to refresh the SSO Metadata. You will need folio_admin permissions or other permissions sufficient to access FOLIO's Tenant settings.

  1. Log into the FOLIO instance with your non-SSO ID, go to Apps > Settings > Tenant > SSO Settings.
  2. Click the "Download metadata" button on the right. FOLIO should download an XML file with a name like "sp-medadata.xml". If you are doing multiple instances of FOLIO you can rename this.
  3. Request that CIT's Identity Management team refresh the SSO metadata.
  4. Send the XML as an attachment in an email to (CIT's Identity Management team queue), with a cc: to Hong Ye who has historically taken care of this. Let them know the URL of the FOLIO instance to update (for example, .
  5. Once they refresh the metadata, SSO should work on that FOLIO instance.
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