
  • Debra Howell
  • Ann Crowley
  • Tom Trutt
  • Jenn Colt
  • Laura Daniels
  • Andy Horbal
  • Jesse Koennecke
  • Vandana Shah


  • Simeon Warner
  • Emily Zinger
  • Jacob Sayward


  • Cornell JIRA for priorities:
  • Support/Security Team Updates - Tom
    • Anonymization of requests - not happening - do we want to elevate?

      • We originally ranked it an R1

        • Re-ranked it as "can wait a year" when we had to reprioritize to make go-live
        • No idea how it got moved to R4
      • Brought forward by Wendy
      • Tom and Jenn will look at this and report back
    • Location name changes in FOLIO
      • Tom will be compiling all of the changes and then getting feedback from across the Library
    • Tom is going to EBSCO User Group meeting
  • Anything from CC/PC/TC - Simeon/Jesse/Jenn
    • PC - Jesse
      • Beginning planning for WOLFcon at UChicago in August
      • PC is working on getting more directly involved in release planning and documentation
      • Working on a model for people to be a PO but not commit to 20 hours/week
      • Onboarding materials for new institutions
    • TC - Jenn
      • Working on module approval process
      • Revised Charter
  • ARLEF Data Import Discussion- - Simeon/Jenn 
    • Meeting AgendaBackground Doc and Slides
    • Create a Cornell statement on importance and path forward (partner with TAMU?)
      • Schedule meeting with Jenn, Simeon, Jesse, Tom, Xin, Laura
  • Debra working on negotiation of hosting contract renewal with EBSCO
  • Open discussion time

  • No labels