
  • Email from Sean Aery at Duke describing their extension of OpenSeadragon with custom UI options.  OpenSeadragon has two built-in options for handling multiple images, but th

    "I’m glad to share some thoughts on supporting multi-image items in OpenSeadragon. I wrote a little about it back in 2015:

    Our digital repository app you linked to is a mostly bespoke thing cobbled on top of Blacklight – though it does have some features in common with Spotlight and Hyrax, it actually doesn’t use either. And we still use Omeka for our digital exhibits platform (e.g., ), though I would love for us to implement Spotlight here. Someday we’ll join you in Spotlightland.

    That partial you found is indeed where most of the custom action happens, though the modern version of it is here on GitLab – see especially the highlighted script tag:

    Our implementation for this is about 8-9 years old (please excuse the messy code!), but it is still kicking. I remember we had to hack at OpenSeadragon quite a bit to get it to behave exactly how we wanted.

    There are two built-in OSD features that come into play to support multi-images; they’re documented fairly well on the OSD site: 1) Sequence Mode and 2) Image Reference Strip

    The out-of-the-box UI for navigating the images is pretty subpar so we did a lot of hacking at it to render our own controls and make them behave how we wanted. I think OSD works well as a single-image viewer, but it doesn’t naturally want to be a good multi-image tool. The UI isn’t good and there are some sneaky missing features, e.g., out-of-the-box you can’t get/share a URL to view a particular page.

    Honestly we will probably ditch the vanilla OpenSeadragon within the next couple years in favor of one of the IIIF-compliant viewers that include/wrap OSD: Mirador or UniversalViewer. The only thing preventing us from doing that now is we don’t yet have IIIF presentation API manifests, which are required by those viewers.

    I haven’t looked closely at Spotlight’s code, but I believe it naturally creates IIIF manifests so that’s half the battle right there. So if your stakeholders are amenable to it, you might end up having an easier time implementing UniversalViewer or Mirador instead of extending/customizing OpenSeadragon"

  • Mirador integration efforts (prior to the use of sul-embed code which is what the Stanford Spotlight code currently uses)
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