
CUL Exhibits has a site-wide dashboard publicly viewable here: https://exhibits.library.cornell.edu/dashboard

Code: https://github.com/cul-it/exhibits-library-cornell-edu/blob/dev/public/dashboard.html

Embedded Looker Studios (formerly Google Data Studios) report: https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/c43e35ad-f829-4f54-8b8c-7554e7710ba3/page/glhpB


Curator/admin documentation: https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/SPOTLIGHT/Analytics+Dashboard

CUL-specific developer documentation: https://github.com/elrayle/spotlight_utils/wiki/Data-Studio-Dashboard

A couple of the fields and filters applied to the Looker Studios report are manually generated. Every time the following events occur, these fields or filters will need to be updated:

Step 1: SSH into the prod web server to run:

sudo su - webapp
cd /var/app/current
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c
load 'scripts/data_studio.rb'

Step 2: Copy results into the Looker Studios field or filter definition.

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