Here are the commands implemented by capistrano and mydeploy.rb

bash> cap -T
cap deploy                            # Deploys your project.
cap deploy:check                      # Test deployment dependencies.
cap deploy:cleanup                    # Clean up old releases.
cap deploy:cold                       # Deploys and starts a `cold' application.
cap deploy:create_symlink             # Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed version.
cap deploy:migrate                    # Run the migrate rake task.
cap deploy:migrations                 # Deploy and run pending migrations.
cap deploy:pending                    # Displays the commits since your last deploy.
cap deploy:pending:diff               # Displays the `diff' since your last deploy.
cap deploy:rollback                   # Rolls back to a previous version and restarts.
cap deploy:rollback:code              # Rolls back to the previously deployed version.
cap deploy:setup                      # Prepares one or more servers for deployment.
cap deploy:symlink                    # Deprecated API.
cap deploy:update                     # Copies your project and updates the symlink.
cap deploy:update_code                # Copies your project to the remote servers.
cap deploy:upload                     # Copy files to the currently deployed version.
cap deploy:web:disable                # Present a maintenance page to visitors.
cap deploy:web:enable                 # Makes the application web-accessible again.
cap drupal:db:backup                  # backup the database
cap drupal:db:grab                    # Grab local copy of remote database
cap drupal:db:install                 # Install a specific local database snapshot
cap drupal:db:install_latest          # Install latest local database snapshot
cap drupal:db:reload_previous         # reload database from previous release
cap drupal:drush:backupdb             # Backup the database.
cap drupal:drush:clear_all_caches     # Clear all caches
cap drupal:drush:fix_undefined_index  # error message fix - undefined index: <name, version>
cap drupal:drush:revert_features      # Revert all features to install the newest versions
cap drupal:drush:set_files_paths      # set the private_files & tmp path for the deploy environment
cap drupal:drush:site_offline         # Set the site offline
cap drupal:drush:site_online          # Set the site online
cap drupal:drush:updatedb             # Run Drupal database updates for new core/modules/themes if required.
cap drupal:post_install_configuration # Get the user to run the Drupal install, then do final configuration
cap drupal:site_setup                 # Initial remote setup for Drupal
cap explore:check_mysql               # check paths for mysql and mysqldump
cap explore:find                      # find code for a task
cap explore:locals                    # Local variables
cap explore:testdujour                # test du jour
cap git:push_deploy_tag               # Place release tag into Git and push it to origin server.
cap invoke                            # Invoke a single command on the remote servers.
cap local                             # Set the target stage to `local'.
cap multistage:prepare                # Stub out the staging config files.
cap production                        # Set the target stage to `production'.
cap shell                             # Begin an interactive Capistrano session.
cap staging                           # Set the target stage to `staging'.
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