Make a database & user
Here is lots of information about creating the database for a Drupal site. Lately I use this shell script:
#!/bin/bash EXPECTED_ARGS=3 E_BADARGS=65 MYSQL=`which mysql` Q1="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $1;" Q2="GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, LOCK TABLES, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON $1.* TO '$2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$3';" Q3="FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" SQL="${Q1}${Q2}${Q3}" if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ] then echo "Usage: $0 dbname dbuser dbpass" exit $E_BADARGS fi $MYSQL -e "$SQL"
Find a web accessible home for the site
You can put the Drupal site in the web server's document root or your public HTML directory, or you can put a symbolic link there that points to the site.
bash> cd /kansas bash> mkdir my_cute_cat bash> echo "Hello World" > my_cute_cat/hello.txt bash> cd /libweb/sites/ bash> ln -s /kansas/my_cute_cat kitty
Now will show a page containing
Hello World
You can delete /kansas/my_cute_cat/hello.txt and put the Drupal site where hello.txt was.
Use drush to grab Drupal
Replace the 'public' directory of your capistrano drupal development directory with a drupal install.
bash> cd <your capistrano dev directory> bash> drush dl drupal-7.23 bash> rm -r public bash> mv drupal-7.23 public
Use drush to install Drupal
Install drupal using your new database and user
bash> cd public bash> drush si --db-url="mysql://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/dbname" You are about to create a sites/default/files directory and create a sites/default/settings.php file and DROP all tables in your 'dbname' database. Do you want to continue? (y/n): y No tables to drop. [ok] Starting Drupal installation. This takes a few seconds ... [ok] Installation complete. User name: admin User password: 3MYjwzeo9A [ok]
Note the user #1 user name and password returned from this last step!
Select and enable modules
Grab and enable some modules that will be using on this site
bash> drush dl admin_menu views devel bash> drush en admin_menu views devel
Make the installation profile
Create an installation profile for this site (This works for Drupal 7 sites. For Drupal 6 sites there is a manual process /admin/settings/profiler_builder .)
bash> drush dl profiler_builder bash> drush en profiler_builder bash> drush distro my_cute_cat --untar bash>
The installation profile contains the drush make file, and a list of what modules are enabled, and possibly more. We use one of these to create sites when we deploy on a server for the first time.