Wednesday, 12/5/07 from 12:00 - 1:00 in 703 Olin Library. 

A new submission system for
Gerda Shank and Simeon Warner accepts about 250 new articles and 100 replacements per day. Submissions are made by the authors themselves using a set of rather dated web forms to upload files and metadata (they were cutting edge in 1994). Our goals in creating a new submission system are to improve the user experience, provide additional facilities for upload auxiliary files (say a supporting movie or a small dataset), to improve the quality of metadata collected (through automated extraction, better checking and interactive feedback to submitters), and to allow/force submitters to better check their submissions have been processed correctly. The last two goals will hopefully reduce the administrative load dealing with submission problems.

We will very briefly outline the current system and experience from 13 years of web uploads. We will then describe the goals in more detail, and outline our design and technology choices. This project is in the "roughing out" stage and we hope that the opportunity to share and explain our current plans will provoke questions and suggestions to help us refine our choices.

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