*Annex Task Force Assignments for Final report*

Assemble and write final draft version -Jim LeBlanc

Outline Policies and Procedures- Jim LeBlanc (will insert into report)

Staffing -Basic and What does it Take: redefine Mission (A-D)- Howard, Cammie, Eli -by 10/7

Inventory (Partially done) -Scott

Framework for Prioritizing projects outside of Basic Services -Barbara, Dan, Don- by 10/7

Gather Data on Current Capacity - Cammie, Barbara

Review of what is on the WIKI- All

Future Agenda items

Communication with Stakeholders- September 23

Library Annex Advisory Council- 9/23 Brainstorm
Scenarios for Final Storage Bay- Brainstorm -All

Discussion of Outstanding Issues- Week of 10/21

Draft due- 11/15

Submission to LEG- Before Thanksgiving

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