Your off-campus Windows computer's password won't update when you changed your NetID password. You can update it by bringing it to campus. Or use VPN and these instructions.


  • Applies to Windows computers on Cornell Active Directory (CU AD).
  • Knowing how to do this is useful if you changed your password, perhaps following a password compromise.

Two options:

Option 1

  1. Bring your laptop to campus and get your device on Cornell's wireless network.
  2. Hit Windows Key + L at the same time (lock your computer).
  3. When it requests your password to let you back in, type in the new password.

Logging back in updates your password.

Option 2

If your computer is off-campus, follow these steps to update to your new password:

  1. Login to Cornell VPN.
  2. Hit Windows Key + L at the same time (lock your computer).
  3. When it requests your password to let you back in, type in the new password.

Logging back in updates your password.

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