
Power Tree for Agnostic Board

  • The purpose of the power tree is to show the flow of power of the main power supply, in our case USB with possibly a battery through power converters such as LDOs such that we meet the voltage and current required to drive differnet loads. 

LDO (Low-Dropout) Regulator

  • Used for power regulation. In this case, they are used to step-down voltage from the supply of +5V

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

  • Helps researchers collect data on Scrub Jay movement and analyze its possible correspondence to their calls
  • Could be possibly configured to help track Scrub Jay movements (has programmable FSMs that can generate interrupt signals based on user-defined motion patterns)

Level Shifter

  • Converts signals from one voltage to another; helps ensure input and output voltages on components are compatible with each other


  • Records audio data on Scrub Jay calls

Flash Memory

  • Increases memory software and digital has access to work with, could help temporarily store data that cannot be processed in time

Detailed Specification Notes on Memory/IMU/Microphone

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