
  • The right size for the right spot: If an image is only used as a story image (but not a hero), size it accordingly at a width of 840 px, 72dpi, with a 75 quality, and a 0.1 blur.
  • If your featured image is also going to be a hero on the news homepage, upload a 2000px wide image, still at 72dpi, with a 75 quality, and a 0.1 blur.
  • Otherwise, upload an image with a width of 840px for your featured image.
  • Favor landscape aspect ratios: 4:3, 3:2, 16:10, or 16:9.
  • Are you using an image already uploaded to the media library? If the image is larger than 840px in width, make sure to insert it as a large image and not a full-size image (see screenshot on the right). In some instances you can also enter a custom size.


  • For photos, use JPEG at 72 dpi, with a 75 quality, and a 0.1 blur.
  • For typography-based images or visuals/infographics, consider PNG (experiment with optimization in Photoshop)


  • Make sure that the SEO keyword is in the filename.
  • Use dashes, not underscores, to separate words in the filename.


  • Try running the article through Pingdom's speed test. The public preview URL should work:
  • Keep an eye on the Page Size. We will eventually establish a baseline. For now, aim between 1.5 and 2.5 MB (see screenshot on the right).
  • This might mean fewer photographs.

An example of Pingdom speed test results

  • No labels