


Discussion items

Analysis toolsClay
  • Filter outliers - fixed problems with display, could not find example where multiple trials do not work
  • Training set
 server upgradeClay, David

BD and BD Barley installed on mirror
BLAST and JBrowse installed on mirror
synchronizing mirror with production machine
regular file transfer too slow when going outside server room, need to use Globus FTP
allele_cache take about 12 hours to rebuild on wheat 

 website securityClayshould we delete accounts that have not been used and are using old encryption. possible identity theft

Action items

  • Clayton L Birkett send email to users of md5 encrypted accounts and tell them to recreate account
  • Clayton L Birkett check if globus ftp server can be installed on tcap mirror site
  • Clayton L Birkett check if mysql on tcap mirror can be synchronized with production machine.