Other terms:

Loaner laptops, laptops to borrow, computer borrowing

Contacts and Webpage

Olin/Uris Laptop & Equipment Loans

Email: libpublicservices@cornell.edu

Phone: (607) 255-4245

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Laptops for Loan in Olin:

Laptops can be borrowed from the Olin Single Service point by anyone with a valid Cornell ID. There are Mac and Windows computers available and they come with a variety of software pre-installed. Please see link above for more information on borrowing terms and software. 

Laptop loans are first come, first serve. 

Important Note

The laptops have no temporary storage. If the laptop is ever restarted, shut off, freezes, or loses power it will reset to a default state and all patron work will be erased. There is no way to reverse this. Patrons are highly encouraged to backup their work regularly. If the laptop is reset for any reason we cannot restore lost work.
This includes for software installation. If a program is installed that requires a restart to fully install it will reset the system and delete the program and all work.

Loan Periods:

There are two types of laptop loan: hourly and extended. Hourly laptops may be borrowed for 2 hours at a time, or overnight if borrowed just before close (these are due back within 2 hours after the library opens). 
Extended loan laptops are available for up to 2 weeks. Patrons should be aware that extended loan laptops also have no temporary storage and will reset completely on restart.

Laptops may be renewed in person at the Single Service Point. Renewals cannot be processed over phone or email.

Other Locations to Borrow:



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