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Inter Library Loan, ILL

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What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan is a service provided to the Cornell community that allows affiliated patrons to borrow physical books from other libraries and universities or request scanned articles or chapters from books or periodicals. For actively affiliated Students, Faculty, and Staff this service is available free of charge.

Many libraries offer Interlibrary Loan services though they are not always free.

  • Books and multi-volume works
  • Conference proceedings
  • Dissertations
  • Audiovisual material (videos, DVDs)
  • Selected bound journal volumes
  • Microfilm
  • Microfiche
  • Selected articles from journals
  • Selected book chapters
  • Other miscellaneous formats

Searching for Items in Other Libraries:

Patrons who are interested in viewing the availability in other libraries are encouraged to search via WorldCat. WorldCat is a catalog that allows patrons and staff to search across multiple libraries throughout the world. Please note that not all items available in WorldCat are available to borrow. There are two WorldCat interfaces that can be used. For the purposes of most patrons we suggest the one linked here:  WorldCat .

Patrons can locate this search engine when on the main Cornell Library catalog website. From the catalog's homepage, see the box titled "Welcome to the Cornell University Library Catalog." 

Please note

It may be that the needed item is available here at Cornell, but that a different search strategy is required to find it. Refer to the Reference Staff in Olin Library for help whenever you cannot find an item in the Library system

Placing Requests:

To place a request for an item through Interlibrary Loan a patron will first need to set up an account within the system. See the Interlibrary Loan page linked above for more information. 

Once a patron has created their account and logged in they will be able to submit a request through the "New Requests" forms linked at the top of the page. Patrons should fill out as much information on the item as they can, including page numbers if known. If there is an issue or discrepancy, Interlibrary Loan staff will reach out to confirm the correct information. 

A Note on Time

Patrons should note that Interlibrary Loans take time to process. The average return time, even for scanned material, is 5-7 business days. 

Scanned Articles/Chapter Requests:

Patrons may request scans of articles or chapters from books through Interlibrary Loan. This is one of the best ways to avoid paying for material that Cornell Library does not have access to. Libraries are limited in the amount of material they can provide via ILL services, as they need to operate within copyright laws. 

Requesting eBooks and Online Materials:

eBooks and Digital materials cannot be requested through Interlibrary Loans. All material must be a physical copy of the item. Patrons will receive scanned item requests digitally as PDFs, but these are scanned from physical copies, not taken from electronic databases. 

Interlibrary Loans and Visitors/Non-Cornellians

Interlibrary Loans for Non-Cornellians Page

Visitor status patrons are unable to use the Cornell Library Interlibrary Loan services to initiate a request through Cornell to borrow material from a separate organization. A Visitor who wishes to borrow material from a separate organization can do so through a public library that they are affiliated with. 

Visitor status patrons who want to borrow material from Cornell through Interlibrary Loans have the option to do so. Due to the cost of the service, Visitors who wish to use ILL to borrow from Cornell are encouraged to begin their request at an organization they are affiliated with. If this option is not available to them, please direct them to the link above for Interlibrary Loans for Non-Cornellians.

Please note that there is a separate process for requesting material held in the Rare and Manuscript Collections. These patrons are encouraged to read the follow page for details: Rare and Manuscript - Reproductions & Permissions.

A common request over chat and email is for material to be sent to academics in other institutions. Usually these are researchers who have found material in the Cornell Library Catalog that are either not available anywhere else or they have chosen Cornell since it is a large institution. If the patron is actively affiliated with another institution we will request that they go through their own academic library who will make the request on behalf of the patron.

Staff at the Cornell Library cannot provide material to unaffiliated patrons who have not gone through the proper channels. Unaffiliated patrons must go through their own affiliated organizations or pay for the service through Cornell's Interlibrary Service.


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