Lessons Learned Working Group - Facilitations Team
Before the meeting
- Use online anonymous survey to collect feedback, distill down to areas of discussion and focus actual meeting(s) around identifying specific actions to follow
- Prepare the team in advance of the meeting for what will be discussed
- Take steps to ensure that the meeting will be comfortable and non-confrontational
- Involve a "scribe" or two to ensure that all notes get captured - the PM could be considered for this role
- Project Manager of the project should not be facilitator of the lessons learned - get another PM or strong facilitator
- Who is invited? Should include team members, customers, other stakeholders
- Try to plan to feed people (when possible), breaks may be needed as well
- Encourage creative thinking - make it a relaxed environment for having the discussion - go to a less familiar, interesting place
During the meeting
- Be clear about the agenda, what the goals are for the meeting
- Develop a list of ground rules - have the team develop these (suggested set - be nice, don't blame, be constructive)
- Hand out set of topics and ask team which items they would like to talk about - go around the table to discuss - make sure each person gets a turn
- Start session with an overview of the project - goals, what we accomplished, any particular challenges encountered
During discussion
- Focusing the discussion around actions/solutions rather than rehashing the past
- Identify top items to be worked on
- Identify clear actions and owners where appropriate
- If you use a meeting to collect the feedback, save a period of time at the end to focus on identifying solutions for the most important issues
After the meeting
- Followup on actions agreed upon
Other considerations
- Start out focusing on the positive lessons learned - what went well
- Be prepared to discuss specific problems (problem, perceived cause, what should have been done differently)
- For large projects, don't do it only at the end of the project - do LL at various key milestones
- Develop standard LL templates for online surveys
Next Meeting
Bring in sample questions