The following protocols are no longer used or updated by our labs.  Please contact Martin WiedmannNicole MartinAhmed GaballaSam Reichler, or Jordan Skeens to request access to these these protocols.


7.1-2nd floor-16S GreenMaster Procedure.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.2-16s Identification Using RDP database.pdf [archived 10April2020]

7.3-96 Well Plate Procedure.pdf Archived protocol (created 2006) [archived March 2016]; describes procedure for submitting 96 well plate with purified PCR products for sequencing

7.3.1-96WellPlate Template.xls [archived 10April2020]

7.5-Colony PCR.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.7-Endospore Stain - cold.pdf [archived 10April2020]

7.8-Endospore Staining -- Steam Method.pdf [archived 10April2020]

7.9-Final rpoB GreenMaster Protocol.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.10-Growth Rate L.mono in Milk.pdf [archived 10April2020]

7.12-Identification of rpoB Sequences using Bioedit.pdf [archived 10April2020]

7.14-PCR Procedure and Touble-shooting Guide for rpoB and 16S.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.15-Primer Ordering.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.16-Primer Reconstitution.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.17-Procedure for Lysis of Bacterial Cells.pdf Archived Protocol [archived 2019-10-30 by sjr267]

7.18-Purified Lysates Procedure.pdf

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