Open your Course's Control Panel 

On the top left of your Course's Control panel the course name and Blackboard id will be listed. The Blackboard id is located at the end of this string and is encased in parentheses.

Navigate to the the Cornell University Library Reserves system, and log on.

Once you are logged into the system select the course you wish to link to your Blackboard site by clicking on the course number.

From the main navigation menu select "Edit Course Information"

Place your Blackboard course id in the "Blackboard Course ID" field. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.

Back in your Black board course select the "Tools" option form you courses main menu. Alternatively if you have chosen to make a  quick link to the Course Reserves Building Block you may click on that.

Click on the Tool entitled "Course Reserves".
Please skip this step if you are using a quick link to the Course Reserves Tool.

Your course in  the Cornell University Library Reserve system will now be displayed along with any requests you have placed. You may now add more requests to be processed by library staff. The instructions for adding reserves to your course can be found on the Adding New Reserve Items - Requesting Reserves page.

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