The quick answer is that Ares will not recognize multiple "Hard Copy" item types. in the system admin client it is possible to and more item types but they are all treated as  electronic reserves.

I can create a routing rule that will move the items to the appropriate queue but it was hinted that this may cause issues in the future.. 

According to Jennifer's e-mail this is a feature that has been requested by others and will most likely be incorporated in the next upgrade cycle.

E-mail from Atlas regarding this issue:

Hi Jennifer, 

Thank you for the input.. I'll talk with the others and see what they would like to do..  I do have one more question and 1 suggestion..  

My Question is what sort of issue may arise if we continue to use the Document Types I have set up? I know you said it may cause issue when cloning but I was hoping you could elaborate on that.. My suggestion would be if in the next version there is an option for multiple HardCopy document types, which would be great, I would like to suggest that you can also select what document types use or my use the Web Proxy. That way links could be entered for streaming video and audio resources, have a clear icon indicator and be able to take advantage of the web proxy. 

Thank you again, 

Tom Trutt 

---Original Message---

From: []

Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 2:36 PMT

o: Thomas I Trutt

Subject: Quick Question Regarding Item Types 


The items are processing and displaying as though they are electronic because there can only be one entry in the DocumentTypes Table with a DocumentTypeValue set to hardcopy. In order to avoid any problem in future semesters if these items in question are cloned or imported, our suggestion to other sites has been one of two options: 

1 - Remove the icon from hardcopy items completely to avoid confusion over books vs CDs vs DVD etc. This is done by editing the entry in the DocumentTypes table, removing the value in the Icon column. 

2 - Select a more generic icon to use for representing the hardcopy items and replace the hardcopyicon.gif value in the DocumentTypes table. 

The issue with routing rules and manipulating the items could result if problems down the road if the item is reused in a future semester therefore we try to head that at the pass. 

This issues has been raised by other sites, so I suspect that the option to add additional hardcopy DocumentTypeName to the table may be addressed in a future release.  Until then, the best approach is to edit the icon associated with the hardcopy items. 




Jennifer CellaAtlas System, Inc.

1-800-567-7401 x1



This request was handled by the Atlas Systems Service Tracker.Please send any follow up questions to and reference this service request number: <SR#:53739> so that our automated import can match up service tickets.


Hello all.. 

I have a quick question. One of our locations asked me to set up new items types for different types of hardcopy reserves. They require Audio Cd's, Sheet Music, and Video Discs. Their main concern was that the current setup showed a book icon for each of these items since they were all using the  "document Type" of "Hard Copy Reserve Item".  I added new "Document Types" for them and corresponding icons, but now the issue is that Ares believes the Document Type to be electronic Reserves, so when they are marked as "Available" they go to "available on Electronic Reserve" instead of "Available at Reserves Desk". 

My question is, is there a way to mark these new Document Types so Ares knows they are another "Hard Copy Reserve Item" and handles them accordingly? 

I do know the items in question can manually be changed to "Available at Reserves Desk" but I was hoping to automate it.  Would a routing rule be appropriate for this or even work on the "available" queues? 

Thank you for your time and suggestions, 

Tom Trutt

Mann Library Reserves

Cornell University 

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