If Window On Top - Check in Items From Instructor
        If Message
              Caption - Monograph / Serial
              Message - Is the information being imported for a "Monograph"?
              Buttons to Use - Yes and No
                Text Type: <ENTER>
                Delay 2.00 Seconds
                Shift Key Down
                        Text Type: <TAB>
                    Shift Key Up
                Text Type: <TAB>
                Clipboard Empty
                Clipboard Copy
                Delay 0.50 Seconds
                Variable Set String T1 from clipboard
                Text Type: <TAB>
                Clipboard Empty

             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T2 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
                 Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T98 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
             Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T99 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
             Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T3 from clipboard
         End If
     If Message
           Caption - Start Macro
           Message - Please click on the "Monograph" tab on the Item window.
           Buttons to Use - OK and Cancel
             Text Type: <TAB>
             Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T1 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB>
             Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T2 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
                 Clipboard Empty
             Clipboard Copy
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Variable Set String T98 from clipboard
             Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
                   Clipboard Empty
                  Clipboard Copy
                  Delay 0.50 Seconds
                  Variable Set String T99 from clipboard
                  Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
                  Clipboard Empty
                  Clipboard Copy
                  Delay 0.50 Seconds
                  Variable Set String T3 from clipboard
             End If
    End If
Variable Set String T4 from Prompt: Copy Number?
Variable Set String T4 from Prompt: Item Barcode?
Marco Run: Set Reserves types
If Message
      Caption - Open Voyager.
      Message - Please open Voyager and open the "Item Record" screen.
      Buttons to Use - OK and Cancel
         If Message
                Caption - New Record
                Message - Should the item being created have a new bib record? (no other per-
                     sonal copies of the same title are on reserve)
                Buttons to Use - Yes and No
                  If Message
                         Caption - Item Type
                         Message - Is the item being added a book?
                         Buttons to Use - Yes and No
                           Variable Set String T90 to "
                           Variable Set String T90 to 'o'
                      End If
             Window Activate: "Voyager Circulation"
         Delay 0.50 Seconds
         Alt Key Down
                  Text Type: c
             Alt Key Up
         Control Key Down
                  Text Type: t
         Control Key Up
     Delay 2.00 Seconds
     Alt Key Down
             Text Type: b
         Alt Key Up
     Text Type: <TAB>%T90%<TAB>%T1%<TAB>%T2%
     Alt Key Down
             Text Type: h
         Alt Key Up
     Text Type: <TAB><DELETE>%T60%<TAB>o<TAB>%T3%
     Alt Key Down
             Text Type: i
         Alt Key Up
     Text Type: <TAB>%T60%<TAB>%T96%<TAB><TAB>
     If Message
            Caption - Continue?
            Message - Please open Voyager to the Item record for the other Personal Copies.
            Buttons to Use - OK and Cancel
             Window Active: "Voyager Circulation"
             Delay 0.50 Seconds
             Control Key Down
                     Text Type: a
                 Control Key Up
             Delay 2.00 Seconds
             Text Type: n
             Delay 1.00 Seconds
             Alt Key Down
                     Text Type: h
                 Alt key Up
             Text Type: <TAB><DELETE>%T60%<TAB>o<TAB>%T3%
             Alt Key Down
                     Text Type: i
                 Alt key Up
             Text Type: <TAB>%T60%<TAB>%T96%<TAB>
                 End If
         End If
    End If
If Message
      Caption - Check Record..
      Message - Please check the record and verify all the data is correct. When you are
           finish please leave the record open and click "OK"
      Buttons to Use - OK and Cancel
         Window Active: "Voyager Circulation"
         Alt Key Down
                  Text Type: o
             Alt Key Up
         Delay 2.00 Seconds
         Alt Key Down
                  Text Type: iv
             Alt Key Up
         Delay 2.00 Seconds
         Variable Set String T70 from window title
         Variable Modify String: Copy part of T70 to T70
                Starting Position - Value - 23
                Characters to copy - Value - 999
         Variable Modify String: Trim T70
         Alt Key Down
                  Text Type: c
             Alt Key Up
         Window Active: "Item [ItemID:"
         Text Type: <TAB><TAB><TAB><TAB>
             Alt Key Down
                  Delay 0.50 Seconds
                  Text Type: s
             Alt Key Up
         Marco Run: Change to Avl - Item Screen
    End If

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