The Edit/New Item window is divided into six main parts, figure on the following page, which will be briefly described here. Later in the chapter we will go into more detail about each item.

 Figure 5.1: The Edit/New Item window:

   Note: Because of the complexity of this window a detailed description of each
item will not be given in this section. For detailed instructions on how to process
reserves please see part Part 2 Processing Requests.


The main menu of this window has buttons that assist in the processing of items such as transferring them into different queues, changing status, cloning and canceling requests.


The source tabs contain detailed information about requests being submitted. It is divided into two tabs: Monographs, and Serials.


The General Information panel contains the details needed to process the item. This includes the processing unit, pickup location, call number, etc.


The Class Information window lists current information for the class to which this item is linked. This information is not editable through this window, it is for display purposes only.


The Item Notes window displays and allows you to add notes to this item that may be relevant in its processing. Any notes added by instructors or their proxies are also displayed here.


The Tracking tabs display the steps the item has gone through, e-mails sent in relation to the item, usage stats, and tags used in the web interface for sorting.

     Warning: Item notes are visible by users through the web interface. It is important to make sure the note is clear and not offensive.

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