Google Gadgets to View Recent eBird and eBird Trail Tracker Sightings - Version 1.1


These two Google gadgets provide a means to show eBird or eBird Trail Tracker (eTT) observations over the past few days on a web site or on your Google home page. These gadgets utilize the data provided by the eBird Recent Observations at Locations.That url delivers summary data about eBird and eTT observations made at an eBird hotspot or any other eBird or eTT location.

There are two separate gadgets, which display the same data, but are branded somewhat differently. One gadget has eTT branding while the other has pure eBird branding.

eTT-branded Gadget


There is not yet an example installation of the eTT-branded gadget.

Installing This Gadget On Your Web Site

Ask your eTT customer service representative.


The URL of this gadget:

eBird-branded Gadget


There is not yet an example installation of the eBird-branded gadget.


  1. You will need the eBird location IDs (locIDs) of the locations for which you want to see data.
    1. For hotspots, these can be found using the list of eBird hot spots by region.
    2. For private locations, grab the values out of the "myLocs" parameter in the url for the eBird barcharts

Installing This Gadget on iGoogle

  1. Go to to add the gadget to your iGoogle page
  2. Click the down arrow icon in the upper right corner of the gadget and select "Edit Settings". This will allow you to change the display to show sightings from the desired location(s). If you'd like to display data from multiple locations, enter them as a comma-separated list, e.g. 'L97555,L99381,L12313'.

Installing This Gadget On Your Web Site

  1. Customize the look of the gadget.
    1. Open the Google Gadget customization page:
    2. Replace the default location IDs with the ones you got from step one above. If you'd like to display data from multiple locations, enter them as a comma-separated list, e.g. 'L97555,L99381,L12313'.
    3. Configure how you want the gadget to look.
  2. Copy the JavaScript code provided on that page.
  3. Paste the JavaScript into a page on your own web site.


The URL of this gadget:

Unknown macro: {import}
  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    This gadget stopped working for me today - did something change on your end, or did Google change something?  My other eBird gadgets still work (Notable by state).

    1. Anonymous

      Thanks for letting us know, it's back and working now.
      eBird Team

  2. Anonymous

    Works great for me!

    Is there a chance to get this working for a whole country instead of adding all the single place marks?
    And is there one like a Life List gadget?
    Thanks for the great work.

    Nicole from Kuwait (smile)

    1. Hi Nicole, At this point it is doubtful we will generate a gadget to report on an entire country. We hope that even relative small countries will eventually have mounds and mounds of data and reports, and that won't lend itself to a simple gadget that is quick to respond.

      We do have a few things in the works that might be of interest to you: We are beginning work on some new place-based reporting web pages and also a life list API. Once we publish the Life List API, it may be possible that a gadget developer will create a Life List gadget/app.

      If anybody has developed gadgets that use these APIs, please let us know. We'd be happy to help publicize them.
