eBird Web Services - Version 0.9

Data Source







  • ebird.org/xml/ebird/notable/
    This is the root of the eBird-specific notable sightings web service. Affixing the ISO subnational1 code for US and Canadian states/provinces with a .xml extension will return an xml response containing notable sightings for the previous week.
  • ebird.org/tools/google
    This is location of gadget code and demo pages.
    • ebird.org/tools/google/notable-birds.xml
      This is location of gadget code for notable birds by state within the US.
    • ebird.org/tools/google/notable-birds-canada.xml
      This is location of gadget code for notable birds by province/territory within the Canada
Unknown macro: {import}
  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    Speak to a doctor before milia removal
    Before you try any sort of process to remove milia from your skin, you need to find out for sure the extent of your problem. A dermatologist will examine the milia breakout and make sure that it isn’t some other form of skin problem. A skin doctor can remove milia without causing any scarring if it doesn’t go away on its own.
    Speak to a doctor before milia removal

    Before you try any sort of process to remove milia from your skin, you need to find out for sure the extent of your problem. A dermatologist will examine the milia breakout and make sure that it isn’t some other form of skin problem. A skin doctor can remove milia without causing any scarring if it doesn’t go away on its own.