Tell us where and how you are using the eBird APIs

Leave a comment on this page to tell us. Please include URLs if you can.


Schmidt's Garden Center Web Site

Schmidt's Garden Center web site has a couple of custom widgets using the eBird API to highlight recent eBird observations in its locality.

Tom Auer This is an Abode Flex app showing sightings of birds that Tom wants to see, near a particular location.

The Wildlab

With the the WildLab, an innovative science curriculum, teams of students use an iPhone, binoculars, and their brains to see their local environment in a new way. Read more in the news item...

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  1. Anonymous

    So, I haven't actually utilized the APIs yet. But, am planning to.

     At the moment, it would be really nice to have feature where I could send the API a LocID and get a lat/long back.

    1. That's a good idea. I believe that would fall into the /ref section of our API. We would return all the information we had about a loc (e.g., name, description, state/province, lat/long, type of location). We'll keep that in mind when we get a chance to get back into that code base.

  2. Anonymous


    First off, I tried to sign up for a posting account and got this error:
    "This installation of Confluence is not set up to permit public signup. Please contact the site administrators for more information."

    Anyway, I was so excited about using eBird web-services, that I threw together a quick web-map based on birds I'd like to see in Pennsylvania within 50km of where I'm living (State College, PA).

    I entered a list of potential Pennsylvania state birds that I would like to see. I used ws1.1/ref/taxa to convert scientific names to common names (could be done the other way) to produce the list on the right.

    Then, I use ws1.1/data/obs/geo_spp/recent for each species to get all records. The XML is then parsed and the returned records are mapped.

    One thing this brought up is that it would be nice to send the request a list of species, instead of having to make a different call for each species. Although, doing it the way I do allows me to create a more accurate loading bar.

    I've got some other ideas in the works, but as the development of these kind of maps isn't paid work, sadly, they're not on the top of my list to do.

    Anyway, thanks for setting up these web-services. Hopefully, I'll be able to put together some neat things!

    Tom Auer

    1. Thanks Tom, Your app looks pretty cool. As far as logging into this wiki, it's restricted to just a few folks but we hope that the "anonymous" commenting functionality will be enough to get feedback from the community. If that doesn't work out, we'll have to look at taking a different approach.

    2. Note all that Tom's application link above is no longer functional. Sorry about that.

  3. Anonymous

    I think Tom's app link is obsolete - at least I get a 404 error page...


  4. Anonymous

    Is it possible for me to feed eBird my bird sighting submissions from my website or does each user submitting a bird sighting need to register with eBird? I have a similar website service for reporting nature sightings at

    Is it also possible to publish eBird sightings in my citizen science database too? I would provide full credits as required.

    1. We are in the process of defining and creating an API for "uploading" bird sightings to eBird though I expect it will go through extensive testing before it's available for use. There are several things we still need to work out on our side. If you're familiar with eBird, we encourage the submission of "complete" checklists which makes these data much more valuable to science and we're still defining how we will handle this in the API. It is possible to display eBird sighings on your site, take a look at our current API listing for available options there.

  5. Anonymous

    A couple of comments.

    First, the link for the first site I created here: dead. I have moved webspace to, but didn't move that page over.

    However, I have created a new site, that is potentially more useful to others, it's an interactive map of Ruby-throated Hummingbird sightings, using the eBird v.1.1 API.

    I also blogged about it here:

    These should both be up for the foreseeable future.


    Tom Auer

    1. Anonymous

      Very very cool, Tom!  What you did is amazing!



  6. Anonymous

    Thanks for the great initiative on api's. Kerala has become the most traveled state when it spoken in terms of a holiday destination especially kerala honeymoon tours

  7. Anonymous

    Thanks for all the work in making this available! I just wanted to let you know we have developed an R package that allows for it to interface with the eBird API. Check it out!

    On a related note, is the AKN API still under development? Seems like the only source of observation data (the histogram) is not being supported anymore...? It would be great to work with that as well.

    Thanks again!

  8. Anonymous

    I'm getting a new Windows Phone 8 and don't see any app that interfaces with EBird... I am a developer and would like to write an app that would allow an ebird user to create an observation list and then upload it to ebird when finished.

    Do you see this a being possible using the API? Do you think Cornell would have any objections to me doing so?  

  9. Anonymous

    Hi all,

    I put together a map-based search tool that focuses on hotspots rather than individual species, letting you view all hotspots within a region, and the breakdown of species seen in any subset of them. See demo here:

    It's still not anywhere near as advanced as I'd like (I'd like to be able to grab ALL data for a period and do something), but it's a start...!

    The codebase is all on github, so feel free to examine or tinker with it.

    - Ben

  10. Anonymous

    I created a really simple find a bird webapp. This was my first coding experince. The user enters the common name, 4 letter 6 letter or sciname of a bird and we return recent sightings based on state. You can check it out here

  11. Anonymous

    I created a really simple find a bird webapp. This was my first coding experince. The user enters the common name, 4 letter 6 letter or sciname of a bird and we return recent sightings based on state. You can check it out here

  12. Anonymous

    I'm a new birder who has found the eBird site to be immensely valuable in determining what I likely saw (or am likely to see) at a particular location.

    To make this process quicker, I put together You can click anywhere on the map and a list off all reported species in the past 30 days are presented (within an adjustable radius of 1, 5, or 25 kms).  You can then click on any of the species names to be taken to google image search for that bird to help in identification.  You also can click on the sightings link next to each species to see more detailed information on where and when the sightings occurred.

    Thanks for the API!


  13. Anonymous

  14. Anonymous

    Query API question:

    The URL to query API seems to offer query access to a variety of column headings that relate to data format, data-entry-date and location.  Returned results include the last-name and first-name of the user who entered each particular submission.  But there appears to be no way to query the data by first-name and last-name.

    If first-name and last-name could be added to recent hotspot queries local Audubon Club members (for instance) could see what their friends have been up to recently, in their local region--which many of the users would really like. This is pretty basic social networking stuff. Friends want see what friends are up to.  It wouldn't be hard to offer two more search criteria to the ultimate SELECT statement generated by a URL.  Is there a policy reason not to do this?

  15. Anonymous

    Birding the Cloud Bird Maps

    Explore rarities and hotspots

    Kurt Radamaker